1) scrounge a used photovoltaic array
2) make a small electrolytic cell that will be powered by the PV array, using aqueous NaCl as the electrolyte
3) Feed the Cl2 from that into an absorption cell containing water, and placed where sunlight will strike it Give it an exit port with a bubbler to
give one-way gas flow. The reactions here will be
Cl2 + H2O <=> HCl + HOCl
2 HOCl => 2 HCl + O2
for an overall reaction 2 Cl2 + 2 H2O => 4 HCl + O2
with the O2 being vented out the exit port.
The reaction is very slow in the dark, but then the PV won't be putting out any power to make Cl2 during dark periods either. Change out the
electrolysis electrolyte ever so often to replenish the NaCl supply and avoid the NaOH concentration from getting too high.
Salt, water, and sunlight in; HCl(aq) out. Just takes patience to let the rig do its task.