Sciencemadness Discussion Board

E-mail messages when someone replies.

White Yeti - 26-7-2011 at 11:08

When I started posting questions and answers on this forum, I was getting messages that announced whenever someone posted a reply. But this is not happening anymore, I am no longer getting mail. Is there something I am doing wrong?

Polverone - 26-7-2011 at 11:27

You have to subscribe to a thread for email alerts. But I have checked your account and you are subscribed to at least one thread that has recent activity, so that can't be the problem. I have not changed any email configurations recently. Is the mail getting accidentally flagged as spam by your email software or provider?

White Yeti - 29-7-2011 at 06:42

Thanks! I forgot to subscribe -.- I didn't know I had to subscribe to threads that I posted, I thought that was done automatically. It would make more sense if it was done automatically...

peach - 12-10-2011 at 09:28

It has always worked 100% problem free for the years and years I've been on here, and I do subscribe to almost every thread I comment on and others I find interesting.

But it seems to have now 100% stopped sending me notifications. Even though I am 100% sure people, often more than one, have posted replies.

With it being so, I have approximately 10 or 20 Science Madness tabs permanently open in the browser at the moment.

I haven't changed any of my SM account settings, or my gmail account settings, or my email address. It's impossible to block addresses with gmail*. Instead, a filter is set up and the messages are sent to the trash folder. I certainly wouldn't have set up such a filter and I also can't find any messages from SM in the trash folder.

I'm at a loss as to why they suddenly stopped appearing.

*gmail - I don't get the thing of not being able to block addresses, instead channelling all that spam bandwidth through only for it to go into a long term storage folder. Standard google mail accounts have GB's of storage capacity. And they're online, meaning the data has to remain with google. So a server, somewhere, must be absorbing a gigantic amount of things the account owner doesn't even want to receive, and it's then kept. For what purpose, I may only dream. Time capsule? Data mining?

Polverone - 12-10-2011 at 10:36

Peach, I have checked the mail logs on the server and it looks like sciencemadness has mailed you 27 times in the last 72 hours. According to the logs all the mail was sent successfully. I am going to subscribe to this thread just to ensure that I can see mail sent my way.

peach - 12-10-2011 at 12:30

Righto, you should have a message in your inbox.

There's honestly nothing at all showing up in mine for all those sends that have been logged.

The last one I can find is dated 28th of July. :o

I must have had hundreds since then.

Polverone - 12-10-2011 at 12:58

When I manually mailed myself from the server, it arrived. I had to make a change first though. Let's see if anything improves with forum notification...

peach - 12-10-2011 at 13:58

I got the email you sent manually to me, and have tried replying directly to that from gmail. It came directly into my inbox, as normal.

But I got no notification for your post mentioning you'd sent me that manual email.

I checked the subscribe button on this page, just to assure myself, and it did say I was already subscribed to this thread.

I also had a look at my subscribed list and it's 13 pages long. Not sure if there's any possibility that's part of the problem, but I can't really imagine it being so.

If anyone else is on gmail, could you let me know if you're getting the notifications?

[Edited on 12-10-2011 by peach]

Polverone - 13-10-2011 at 10:57

I'm not getting notifications from this thread, though manually-sent mail works fine. There are no obvious clues in the server logs. This may take a while to diagnose.