I am as well preparing for my first silver acetylide synth. Now, I wonder, how's with it's properties(different sesitivities). I am still researching
it before hand, but when I synth it, I intend to try everything out myself. All the info is kind of scattered, so could someone write or direct me to
it's properties and synth hazards?
I already took this article into consideration(http://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=1031&a...). I intend to first synth Ag2C2 by the powerlab method, and later also Ag2C2*NO3.
And for the latter I have a question: do you first disolve AgNO3 in distilled water and then add HNO3 or vice versa and what are the quantities of
AgNO3/H2O/HNO3 I should use?
Thanks! |