Sciencemadness Discussion Board

US Carcinogen list gets additions

S.C. Wack - 10-6-2011 at 13:17

Looks like we can add styrene,
and woolen glass to the list of things that used to be more available.

But Dr. Philip Landrigan, dean for global health at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, said that he would advise people — particularly pregnant women and small children — to avoid using polystyrene containers and other products that use styrene.

“I think it’s prudent and sensible, especially in light of this new report, to minimize your exposure,” Dr. Landrigan said.

The WiZard is In - 10-6-2011 at 15:20

Quote: Originally posted by S.C. Wack

Looks like we can add styrene,
and woolen glass to the list of things that used to be more available.

J.L. Anderson

A report passed by Dr. Victor Hermont, California sex researcher,
states that fallatio could become the miracle cure for a number of
male maladies including heart disease, ulcers, hypertension and
lung cancer.

"The oral stimulation of the penis has an enormous effect on
many male health problems." Dr. Hermont said in a telephone
interview. "We are not yet certain how this works. All we know is
that our test patients all responded positively to fellatio

The report also claims that chemicals found in the saliva of
teen-age girls can prolong male life indefinitely. A daily oral
ejaculation would permit most males to live "for centuries." Dr.
Hermont has been censored by his fellow sexologist, and police
have searched his clinics numerous times for underage girls. Dr.
Hermont has taken the most severe criticism from female doctors,
researchers, and woman's rights advocates. "This is the ultimate
in male chauvinism. It is not enough to withhold our rights and
suppress us, but now to claim that a blow job will cure male
diseases is the ultimate insult." screamed Bunny Becker, a New
York based sexologist.

The National Organization for Women has called for the
revocation of Dr. Hermot's license and an investigation of sexual
improprieties at his Malibu Clinic, Inc.

"What about cunnlinigus?" a NOW spokeswoman asked in an
open letter in the Los Angles Times criticizing Dr. Hermont. Dr.
Hermont replied in a letter of his own the following day.
"Cunnilingus," he replied, "causes lip cancer."

hissingnoise - 11-6-2011 at 07:47

You're out of control . . .

redox - 11-6-2011 at 09:17

Quote: Originally posted by The WiZard is In  

J.L. Anderson

A report passed by Dr. Victor Hermont, California sex researcher,
states that fallatio could become the miracle cure for a number of
male maladies including heart disease, ulcers, hypertension and
lung cancer.

"The oral stimulation of the penis has an enormous effect on
many male health problems." Dr. Hermont said in a telephone
interview. "We are not yet certain how this works. All we know is
that our test patients all responded positively to fellatio

The report also claims that chemicals found in the saliva of
teen-age girls can prolong male life indefinitely. A daily oral
ejaculation would permit most males to live "for centuries." Dr.
Hermont has been censored by his fellow sexologist, and police
have searched his clinics numerous times for underage girls. Dr.
Hermont has taken the most severe criticism from female doctors,
researchers, and woman's rights advocates. "This is the ultimate
in male chauvinism. It is not enough to withhold our rights and
suppress us, but now to claim that a blow job will cure male
diseases is the ultimate insult." screamed Bunny Becker, a New
York based sexologist.

The National Organization for Women has called for the
revocation of Dr. Hermot's license and an investigation of sexual
improprieties at his Malibu Clinic, Inc.

"What about cunnlinigus?" a NOW spokeswoman asked in an
open letter in the Los Angles Times criticizing Dr. Hermont. Dr.
Hermont replied in a letter of his own the following day.
"Cunnilingus," he replied, "causes lip cancer."

Hahaha, this had me in stitches! :D

Fleaker - 12-6-2011 at 19:05

As a scientist, I think his claims deserve some study.


Too bad it's not in JAMA...that'd be a nice reference to keep on hand1

DerAlte - 9-11-2011 at 09:46

In the above URL quoted by S.C. Wack, NIH reports that several compounds are "Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen".

In fact, according to the State Of California (an inanimate object), nearly everthing is either Toxic or Carcinogenic. In fact, I have a suspicion that the State itself is toxic. Ever been in a sandstorm in the desert at China Lake or Death Valley? All that alkali dust. I was working near San Fransisco at the latter end of the Hippie Revolution and can assure you that many downtown residents exhibited signs of obvious toxicity.

I firmly believe that given the right circumstances and enough bullshit research, everything can be shown to be either toxic or carcinogenic. Life's like that.

Der Alte

fledarmus - 9-11-2011 at 11:23

Quote: Originally posted by DerAlte  

I firmly believe that given the right circumstances and enough bullshit research, everything can be shown to be either toxic or carcinogenic. Life's like that.

Der Alte

Which is why some people are terrified of the side effects caused by drugs, yet are perfectly willing to take any bioactive compound that is labeled "natural" or "organic". If it is going to be marketed as a drug, the company actually has to precisely determine the toxicity of the compound. To market it as a "supplement", you don't even have to control the amount of bioactive material you are selling. Some people are more afraid of a studied, measured risk than of a completely unstudied and undefined one.

MagicJigPipe - 10-11-2011 at 22:25

Polystyrene??? Who can avoid using polystyrene? If you avoid using polystyrene after this report ... just, jump down a well.