Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Making tunsten dioxide

plante1999 - 24-5-2011 at 08:08

I have read on wikipedia that tungsten IV oxide is very conductive an stable up to 1700 degree celcius , so i think it could be used as a coating for an anode for chlorate making
I have thinked to buy an Tungsten rod , make it rough an make an hard coat of WO3 by electrolising it in H3PO4/Na2WO4 solution and than partialy reduce it in an low oxygen propane torch.

10WO3 + C3H8 -) 3CO2 + 4H20 + 10WO2

ive also thinked of electrolising as an anode methanol/water phosphoric acid/tungstate solution to direcly reduce the tungsten trioxide.

wath do you think about this? do you have better idee?


[Edited on 24-5-2011 by plante1999]

Neil - 24-5-2011 at 09:12

For tungsten metal to make solutions I'd go to your local theater be it professional or amateur and ask them for all of their burnt out lamp bulbs. A Source Four bulb is chalk full of tungsten rod and tungsten filaments, free for the taking.

Welding supply places often carry only the alloy TIG tungsten rods because of the weak striking characteristics and fast consumption of the pure tungsten which is only used in niche applications. Watch out that you don't get any of the thoriated ones by mistake:D.

Basic chemical data

plante1999 - 25-5-2011 at 08:00

Does anyone know a test that can be done for tungsten metal?

If i try to disolve (with boiling) tungsten in hydrochloric acid , wath color of the solution i should expect?
I will check at the welding shop for tungsten rod , for the first test i think if the metal is not pur it should not be a problem. if i dont find something interessing i will probably buy this:

not_important - 25-5-2011 at 09:52

Note that there are pure W, W+Th, and W+La welding rods. Check the type to get te pure W ones.

You'll have better luck dissolving it in alkali+H2O2, alkali metal tungstates are soluble while acid solutions tend to precipitate polymeric oxo anions or the hydrated oxide. Tungsten in bulk form is reasonable resistant to attacks by acid, I've seen it used for stir rods in acidic solutions.

plante1999 - 26-5-2011 at 17:25

Ok for the coating of oxide how I can make an hard coating of WO3 for furter partialy reducing it.