Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Western Australians?

FableP - 16-12-2024 at 16:52

Anyone here from Perth WA? I've got some lab surplus that would probably be great for someone doing gold digestions. I've got a number of 2L Erlenmeyer flasks and some smaller volumes.

Unfortunately the volumetric flask is missing the stopper.

I'll probably keep 3 of the large ones for a friend who wants to do some digestions, but the rest is up for grabs. I can throw in a mag stirrer/hotplate as well, I've got too much stuff.

Stuff will be for pickup in Nedlands.

Merry Christmas.

j_sum1 - 16-12-2024 at 23:58

Barbs09 is in WA simewhere. I have probably got an email address that I can send you after Christmas.