Brit in AB. I understand the warm-and-feelies of maximum efficiency, but as I hinted and Sulaiman elaborated-upon, the chances that you're going to
use the chlorine, let alone the reagents, at anything like 100% efficiency are zero. Even if you wanted to set a more reasonable efficiency goal,
chlorine is so cheap to make that it's never going to be worth the ballache compared to giving your attention to whatever you're using the chlorine
*for*. OTOH, there is very much such a thing as too much chlorine. Priorities are safety and convenience.
Cig-packet calculation for doing it OTC in Canada, the hypochlorite comes in a bit cheaper, especially with those small bags of the stuff, but even
figuring-in the annoyance of breaking up TCCA tablets, not worth it; You can get it running comfortably and be free to monitor what you're *doing*
with the chlorine for an extended period - maybe even read a book and take in the same rays as your chlorine lol.
Home Hardware do a, I think it was RV Septic Flush? Towing your own toilet is such a popular pastime that it's hard to keep up, but it was in a
"gallon" jug that looks like the Klenk's acetone, clear liquid, high formaldehyde and looked not to have anything in it that would be hard to get rid
of. I passed it up as I'd just got some from a lab supplier but it is a thing. Look in Home Building Supply, rather than HH. |