Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Precious Hotplate Stirrers

Chemgineer - 18-6-2024 at 15:32

Does anyone else have a good hotplate stirrer that they are cautious to use because they have had too many cheaper ones fail over the years? It's like keeping my posh pair of shoes ready for a special occasion!

Dr.Bob - 18-6-2024 at 18:44

just use them, its pointless to have stuff and not use it. As bad as people with 4 wheel drive SUVs that never even take them off the driveway and are afraid to drive them in bad weather... Its easy to find good stir/hotplates in the US, they are readily available on Ebay and other places, I will have more shortly.

charley1957 - 19-6-2024 at 08:36

I know a guy, had to have the biggest, fanciest 4WD pickup with the biggest engine he could get in it, along with the fanciest trailer hitch you ever saw. That truck will never get off the pavement, will never haul anything in the back of it, and will never pull a trailer of any kind. But he’s got her boys, and that makes him the winner. I also know lots of Harley riders who will NEVER ride one in the rain, might get it dirty. Never ride at night, or anything other than the weekend, during the day. Won’t ride if it’s too hot or too cold. What’s the point of having something you won’t use fully? Just my rant for the day.:)

Sulaiman - 20-6-2024 at 00:07

I have a similar feeling about my dual-stage oil-sealed rotary-vane vacuum pump..
I bought it for both chemistry and physics experiments, and used it for neither,
even though it's only a 'cheap' generic HVAC type.
(I've promised myself to use it to death when I make my new lab)
A friend bought a 4WD suv because his compact city car was being destroyed by his driving needs.
The 4WD was so pretty that he continued to use the city car for many months.
The FIRST time he used the 4WD for his job,
he hit a buffalo (on a road at night) and destroyed the vehicle. He was OK (bruises and a small fracture).
The buffalo got up and walked away, apparently much tougher than a 4WD :) .
New shoes: why do they get scratched when new but not after that?

PS did my friend hit the buffalo because he was in his 4WD,
or was he in his 4WD because he was going to hit a buffalo?

[Edited on 20-6-2024 by Sulaiman]