Sciencemadness Discussion Board

A Sciencemadness Citation!

Tdep - 27-9-2023 at 23:03

Last week a publication called "A Laboratory Preparation of High-Purity Calcium Cyanamide" was published that references both a Sciencemadness thread and one of my Youtube videos (in which I didn't really have any original ideas, but replicated the musing of others here). It turns out the procedure established here was not available anywhere else, marking it as a cool and useful original idea from Rosco.

Cited thread:

It might not be the first time people have used information from Sciencemadness in a paper, but it could be the first time someone has been genuine enough to cite this internet forum. The paper is also very nice about it:

In this article, we published a convenient and high yield synthesis to obtain high-purity calcium cyanamide. To the best of our knowledge, this material is not available by other routes with this degree of simplicity, purity, and lack of hazardous intermediates and therefore this preparation is of high value if high purity calcium cyanamide is desired. Furthermore, this work also exemplifies the changing nature of the chemical literature;this preparation was not first reported in a journal,but instead,this novel synthesis was first reported on an Internet forum and on YouTube ,which are naturally not indexed by chemical databases. Therefore, what should be considered as the chemical literature is evolving in the internet era.

I know Prof. Piercey does like to lurk Sciencemad- so hello if you're here! Wonder what our next citation might be...

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j_sum1 - 27-9-2023 at 23:10

That is pretty cool.
And congrats on the completed PHD. I know it has been a grind. Any chance you can pop the abstract here for folks to read?

charley1957 - 28-9-2023 at 05:18


Abstract Image
Calcium cyanamide is an important fertilizer and a chemical precursor. However, its large scale synthesis is extremely energy intensive via the historical Frank–Caro synthesis of fixing atmospheric nitrogen with calcium carbide at an elevated temperature, and the product material contains a large number of impurities. In this work, we prepare calcium cyanamide in a purity higher than that achievable by the Frank–Caro route.

Sci-Hub didn’t have the paper, I tried.

clearly_not_atara - 28-9-2023 at 09:07

And just nineteen years from publication to first citation!

Texium - 28-9-2023 at 11:27

Cool! It may be a small step, but it sets a precedent, since a reputable ACS journal allowed the citation. I will certainly try to cite Sciencemadness in an official publication if I ever have the opportunity, and I will encourage my colleagues to consider it too.

j_sum1 - 28-9-2023 at 13:28

(I actually meant Tdep's PHD thesis abstract.)

Texium - 28-9-2023 at 14:00

Can’t help you with that, J, but Here is a PDF of the calcium cyanamide paper for anyone who wants it.

Attachment: acs.inorgchem.3c02235.pdf (1.8MB)
This file has been downloaded 299 times

Tdep - 29-9-2023 at 18:16

Quote: Originally posted by j_sum1  
(I actually meant Tdep's PHD thesis abstract.)

It is currently out with reviewers, so assuming that goes well hopefully i'll be able to post something more online about it. It does feel strange to spend a lot of time writing this thing and then not sharing it, especially how much time I spend sharing things online generally.
But the thesis is submitted under embargo for some funding related reasons, and it kind of exists as a demonstration of me keeping my online posting and my research work separate, which is extremely important to many places a career in physics/optics can take you...

Anyway, the title of my thesis ended up being "A Dual Tuneable-Laser Excitation System for the Discovery of Naturally Occurring Fluorescence Signals".
Not a lot of chemistry in the end... no synthesis at all!

Sir_Gawain - 29-9-2023 at 18:23

Congratulations, Tom! Now you can focus on nailing down that nasty cubane!

paulll - 29-9-2023 at 20:48

Massive props for doing paint-tin shed-chem so well that it's citeable, though.

EF2000 - 30-9-2023 at 00:19

Quote: Originally posted by Tdep  

But the thesis is submitted under embargo for some funding related reasons, and it kind of exists as a demonstration of me keeping my online posting and my research work separate, which is extremely important to many places a career in physics/optics can take you...

That's understandable.
"Hello, I'm Tdep, I'm head over heels with lasers. I also post everything I do on SM!"
"Welcome to the team, Tdep, you are assigned to the project developing new Fire Control System for a certain imperialist power's new attack helicopters! Wait, what you said about SM?"

EF2000 - 30-9-2023 at 00:40

Well, there's potential for 3-4 new SM citations.
'Cause some 2 weeks ago, I've sent e-mail to Thomas M. Klapötke describing some discoveries posted here. Maybe I've acted too bold, not consulting with folks mentioned, but science belongs to humanity anyway, right?
I haven't got any reply yet, but I hope to all existing and non-existing deities that he has read it and got interested.
(Maybe I've had more luck getting through spam filters with my university's mail, but that would expose my whole real name (even patronymic), so ooh, maybe I'll pass)
new potential SM citations.png - 139kB

[Edited on 30-9-2023 by EF2000]