Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Aliquot 20ug

rich818dubs - 1-4-2011 at 10:11


I know this might be a strange question but if I had 20ug Lyophilized powder and needed to aliquot to 2 ug a vial. What would be the most accurate way to accomplish this without having expensive equipment like Xcelolab.


NurdRage - 1-4-2011 at 10:53

dissolve it in a known quantity of the solvent you intend to you use and treat it as a volumetric standard.

So if you dilute it to 1mL with water then you'll pipette 0.1mL of solution to whatever you need.

handling 0.1mL of liquid accurately is much easier than handling 2-20ug of solid.

rich818dubs - 1-4-2011 at 12:59


I agree that is probably the easiest way.
What if I didn't want to reconstitute it could a filler be added before I aliquot or would this be not so precise?

[Edited on 1-4-2011 by rich818dubs]