Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Guess the molecule

Retard-3000 - 30-3-2011 at 14:25

Hello everyone, this is just a simple game that i have come up with simply because i'm bored and it'll be fun :), the game is played by first having someone describe the structure of a molecule and then other people have to try and guess what molecule it is, whoever gets it correct chooses the next molecule for people to guess.

i'll start off first, bare in mind my knowledge of chemistry isn't that great but i'll do my best at trying to describe the molecule correctly :D, lets start off easy :)

This molecule is comprised of an indole ring with a propanoic acid substituent on the 3rd carbon and an amine functional group on the alpha carbon :)

phlogiston - 30-3-2011 at 15:03


If allowed by the rules, for the next challange, I would like to submit the 'guess the molecule' puzzle recently had to solve at work, and the same data to solve it with:

1. the molecule has a molecular weight of 113 Da.
2. it is derived from the amino acid hydroxyproline, but it does not have an amino group itself
3. it reacts with hydrogen peroxide to yield gamma-amino butyric acid in quantitative yield

[Edited on 30-3-2011 by phlogiston]

[Edited on 31-3-2011 by phlogiston]

Retard-3000 - 30-3-2011 at 15:21

correct :), i have no idea what that one is :(

mewrox99 - 31-3-2011 at 00:22


phlogiston - 31-3-2011 at 00:34

beta-proline, as well as normal ('alpha') L-proline both have MW = 115 Da, so they can't be it.

I mistakenly called hydroproline an amino acid, but it is ofcouse actually an imino acid, my apologies.
The mystery compound is neither an amino or an imino acid.

[Edited on 31-3-2011 by phlogiston]

Lambda-Eyde - 31-3-2011 at 06:22

Proline with a double bond between the alpha carbon and the nitrogen?

smuv - 31-3-2011 at 06:44

the question makes no sense hydroxyproline IS an amino acid. I also suspect that what you speak of is as well an imino acid (though you say it is not). This game is no fun when care is not taken to avoid mistakes.

phlogiston - 31-3-2011 at 12:47

Bingo Lambda-Eyde, well done.

It's called delta-1-pyrrolline-2-carboxylate