Alkoholvergiftung - 18-2-2022 at 08:51
Some time ago i read they tried to make Phenol from the Glycerin waste from the manufacture of BioDiesel. Does some one have more informations i only
found this short german article about it. They wrote there is only an 6% yield but if you have an lot of glycerin waste it would be usefull.
Boffis - 18-2-2022 at 12:20
God it sounds like a messy process. I presume that the phenol results from the interaction of two C3 compounds followed by dehydration. 2 molecules of
acrolein losing 1 molecule of water c/would give phenol.
If you try it let us know how you get on. Good luck.
The preparation of acrolein is a messy business to start with.
RustyShackleford - 18-2-2022 at 13:39
Its hard to imagine a worse method to attempt in an amateur lab...
Fantasma4500 - 24-2-2022 at 06:49
@rustyshackleford one could always try to melt a nitrate salt with nitrogenous cation, preferably with some metal oxide impurities in hopes of
collecting some N2O - especially in bulk, on an untrustworthy hotplate left unattended
one horror i ran into with phenol was when i tried making ethyl salicylate, H2SO4 is the catalyst
salicylic acid thermally decomposes into phenol
and this then combines with the sulfuric acid- which i might have added too much of to create phenolsulfonic acid
the dark horror, once i opened into that thing my whole place was fumed in phenol for the rest of the day
i keep it in a 500mL bottle tripple-barrier sealed
phenol is quite toxic, and if used very sparingly very effective as antibacterial, ive used a well diluted down mix of oil with phenol to deal with
something that seemed hopeless, didnt seem to have any destructive tendencies on skin etc