Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Keto-RDX/RDX crystal question

fredsci93 - 21-9-2021 at 16:43

Here I have multiple large crystals from acetone, these crystals were prepared by boiling a crude mix of Keto-RDX/RDX with ethyl acetate separation of the liquid, a wash, and finally what was left was dissolved in acetone and evaporated over a week or so, based on solubility I would assume all the Keto-RDX would dissolve quickly in the ethyl acetate meaning these crystals would be RDX, however, these crystals are rhombic in structure and quite sensitive (I am aware sensitivity increases with crystal size however the sensitivity is that of a primary). Has anyone here made large RDX crystals or large Keto-RDX crystals that could serve for comparison (if you want to make crystals like this I used new glassware, seed crystals, and a conical evaporator) any help with characterizations would be highly appreciated.

[Edited on 22-9-2021 by fredsci93]

[Edited on 10-11-2021 by Polverone]

IMG_1941 2.JPG - 2.5MBIMG_1932.JPG - 2.2MB

Triflic Acid - 22-9-2021 at 05:07

What is K6?

fredsci93 - 22-9-2021 at 05:42

ah yea, forgot to include its more common name, Keto-RDX

(edited the op)

[Edited on 22-9-2021 by fredsci93]

Triflic Acid - 25-9-2021 at 08:53

Well, according to k6 is more powerful than rdx, so if you had a sample of pure rdx crystals, then you could compare the two.