JuliusCaesium - 3-8-2021 at 09:33
Helloooo! I'm looking for anyone who can help me synthesize or purchase any of the following complex salts: LiAlCl4, NaAlCl4, KAlCl4, CsAlCl4. I'm
trying to electroplate copper with alkali metals in Propylene carbonate and have so far failed to make the alkali salts soluble in PC. I have all the
necessary components (AlCl3, LiCl, NaCl, KCl, CsCl) but I'm having trouble actually making the electrolyte bath.
All help is welcome!! Not trying to pay $100 for 5g of NaAlCl4 on Sigma Aldrich if I can help it.
(Here's the thread that mentions the procedure I'm trying to recreate: http://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=157051 )