A bit while back I repainted with Red floor paint that was labeled "child safe" but also had markings that read "600 mg/L " of lead in the paint. I
was not worried since it was for outdoor use but why even that? can we just done with lead in paints. I still use 60/40 solder but I collect most
droplets of "waste" tiny drops. solder is much safe since even surface got oxidize its mostly SnO and wash hands very well. I think that we should
eliminate Pd from consumer products even car batterys . what do you think?Metacelsus - 2-4-2021 at 11:35
Yeah, 600 mg/L of lead does not sound like "safe" to me!
I wouldn't be too worried about lead in car batteries since it stays there, but paint is a big concern.UC235 - 2-4-2021 at 12:11
Lead paint is considered >5000mg/kg dry weight. So while it does contain some lead, it is probably well below that limit. I would expect that it is
not deliberately added but comes from contamination in the other pigments/opacifiers used.Fulmen - 2-4-2021 at 12:49
No, I'm pretty sure it's added deliberately. Some lead compounds are excellent siccatives (curing accelerator) as well as strong and durable pigments.
RustyShackleford - 2-4-2021 at 12:54
Perhaps its in a biounavailable form. S.C. Wack - 2-4-2021 at 13:30
I wouldn't be too worried about lead in car batteries since it stays there
...and the joyous men threw off their hats and sang their safety song and danced their safety dance, as a recycler chucked batteries into the fire
while wondering why everyone is so stupid.
Metacelsus - 3-4-2021 at 02:38
OK, I should clarify: it stays there assuming people aren't idiots. Of course, some people are idiots.
Still, it's not like paint, which is directly exposed to the environment.Sulaiman - 3-4-2021 at 03:31
Also depends on wether its described as Total Lead or soluble lead, limits for Total lead will be a lot higher than those for soluble lead.rockyit98 - 17-4-2021 at 10:39
lead makes people stupid, stupid people use lead stupidly , now that's a positive feedback loop.Praxichys - 20-4-2021 at 05:49
To add to this, widespread use of leaded gasoline has contaminated roadside soils, though these hotspots are gradually diluting in countries where
leaded gas has been phased out.