Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Glacial acetic acid in Canada?

XeonTheMGPony - 2-3-2021 at 16:09

Any one have a supplier that sells to individuals or selling a few liters?

itsallgoodjames - 2-3-2021 at 22:46

Try alphachem if you're in Ontario. I haven't bought any glacial acetic acid from them, but they seem to have it on their site.

Syn the Sizer - 3-3-2021 at 00:44

Quote: Originally posted by XeonTheMGPony  
Any one have a supplier that sells to individuals or selling a few liters?

Westlab is where I get mine from.

free delivery over $100


Fyndium - 3-3-2021 at 02:10

Try googling any businesses that sell glacial acetic acid with various terms they might use to title it and use parameters to limit it in your country as english search will bring you the whole world basically. They seem to use GAA in beekeeping, so try that.

XeonTheMGPony - 3-3-2021 at 03:39

I am finding google is becoming more and more useless now days, nearly as infuriating as search! and that does not limit the result to the only parameter I care about, "Sells to individuals"

And thanks to the other two above, those where the on topic useful answers I was hoping for.

Ouch 4l of Chloroform is soding pricey! Think I'll just keep making it!

[Edited on 3-3-2021 by XeonTheMGPony]

Fyndium - 3-3-2021 at 04:44

Google works decent for me. And you definitely won't find anything with too tight parameters, especially no one writes "sells to individuals" to their site. It is usually stated the other way that they deal with businesses only.

Search engines do not understand phrases, they understand keywords. So just put a list of keywords like "glacial acetic acid canada price" and see what you've got. If you find a pattern, add or change a keyword. I often look for some parts that I don't know what they are called but know what they look, and input something-along-the-way type keywords and look for pics, until I find it and see what title they call it. Bingo.

In general, "item price location" is a good combo to find stuff. The child can have many names, for example looking for MEK you might wanna try all the forms of it. Usually you'll find what you're looking for if you just put some effort to it. Asking for something on a forum like this can be the last resort, and it is good for finding vendors and suppliers that do not list their stuff openly, for example this forum has some vendors who supply reagents and you pretty much just gotta know they exist to find what they've got.

zed - 7-3-2021 at 09:21

Ummm. Glacial Acetic. I saw some recently, but in the USA... I know, I might have problems ordering from Canada. But, is there a problem, going the other way?

Also, if you are making Chloroform, aren't you at the same time, making Sodium Acetate?

It's a pain in the ass, to have to resort to Sodium Acetate for Glacial Acetic. But.... Since you do generate gallons of it at a time....

Seems like it was either, hydroponics suppliers or biodiesel suppliers, that had the stuff you fancy. Such guys generally sell to anyone that is tall enough, to slap money on the countertop.

My problem with these transactions, is that they really screw us on the price. "Yup! I got your Pseudo-reagent grade, Soybean Oil, right here... Big Discount! Only a Hundred Dollars a Gallon!.

[Edited on 7-3-2021 by zed]

Fyndium - 7-3-2021 at 09:40

And of course, it's better IMO to map through all the chemical suppliers that are sub-Sigma, aka sell also for smaller companies and individuals too. Here where I live is a supplier for example who gladly gets you stuff in good prices in bulk if you appear legit. This one does list everything on their website as a simple list, and tells to send message if looking for something not listed, but many suppliers don't, and they just offer supply services in general.

So, better find companies that supply chemicals, and inquire them. If I need something, I don't google it, I go to my go-to suppliers' page and see if they have it, or send them a message.

Remember, that lab supplies supply lab reagents, which means you will pay the reagent premium in some instances the same stuff. I've actually got GAA that is from industrial bulk supplier, repackaged by a smaller company, and then "reagent grade" lab stuff that I got at huge discount several years ago, and I found it funny they originated from the same source, the other one commanding 10-times the price. So it's better to focus on various suppliers. I order at least 3/4 of my stuff from non-lab suppliers, only the most special ones that cannot be sourced elsewhere, and even then, the last purchase I made from lab supplier was actually synthesis grade sulfuric acid in 25L canister.

[Edited on 7-3-2021 by Fyndium]