Since perchlorate is uptaken by the thyroid in competition with iodide, it seems like one possible remedy would be to increase your intake of iodine,
which should release perchlorate from the thyroid and allow it to be excreted. Humans can briefly tolerate very high iodide intakes, but persistently
high intake causes thyroid damage.
However, this must be discussed with a physician before any attempt at self-medication. Iodide is serious business.
Though to be honest, I find it hard to imagine vitamin C would help -- all available toxicological data suggests perchlorate is excreted unchanged in
urine. To this end, increasing the overall amount of the major positive ions -- Na+, K+, Ca2+ -- in the diet should slightly speed up
excretion, and is much safer than messing with iodide. Sodium chloride probably does not help because the Na+ is matched 1:1 with Cl-. Instead,
potatoes, bananas, sweet potatoes, tomato sauce, and fruit juices are particularly dense sources of potassium, which is supposed to be the major
positive ion in the diet, anyway.
Thanks for sharing your experience -- it's good for people to be aware of the risks involved when working with potential cumulative toxins.