Jacob K - 21-12-2020 at 10:55
Dissolving metals in acids provides numerous benefits to the amateur chemist when it comes to acquiring useful reagents and assessing the purity and
identity of a metal sample. Therefore, I have attached the first part of a report of the metals that I have dissolved in acid along with a spreadsheet
of the calculations.
Attachment: Dissolving Metals in Acid Part 1.pdf (6MB)
This file has been downloaded 460 times
Attachment: metals in acids report calculations.xlsx (24kB)
This file has been downloaded 300 times
[Edited on 21-12-2020 by Jacob K]
Jacob K - 21-12-2020 at 10:59
I have attached the second part of the report to this post.
Attachment: Dissolving Metals in Acid Part 2.pdf (4.7MB)
This file has been downloaded 527 times
Antigua - 21-12-2020 at 11:07
A piece of good work!
RustyShackleford - 21-12-2020 at 12:30
well written reports but im afraid i dont quite see the point.
B(a)P - 21-12-2020 at 14:33
Thank you very much for sharing, there is a lot of useful information in there.
You clearly put a lot of effort into this, well done!
MidLifeChemist - 22-12-2020 at 20:06
Thanks Jacob, there is a lot of work put into that.
TriiodideFrog - 22-12-2020 at 21:09
Thanks! I just happened to need oxalic acid!
Lion850 - 23-12-2020 at 01:16
Handy reference. Thank you.