Here is a very simple little glass still I made a year or so ago from common flasks without ground glass joints. The most important part of the
apparatus is the Teflon bushing, which can be easily made on a lathe from Teflon round stock of an appropriate diameter. Two approximately eight
dollar flasks were used and a piece of glass tubing obtained for free. A piece of Teflon round stock was purchased for $30 which provided enough
material for 4 bushings. The center hole of the bushing was bored out slightly oversized and the outside diameter of the section which would slide
into the flask was made slightly undersized. This allowed the glass tubing and outer diameter of the bushing to have many wraps of Teflon tape applied
so as to give some of the elasticity that would normally be present if a rubber stopper was used and provide a better seal. Experiments showed that
the bushing still tended to rise slightly, once the flask got hot, allowing vapor to escape. This was easily solved by applying a few wraps of black
electricians tape, to the top of the flask and bushing, which completely solved the problem. The first picture of the apparatus in use is from early
spring when temperatures where near freezing and with slow distillation air cooling was adequate. The second picture is from a hot day this summer
and the receiving flask was placed in an ice bath. I have ideas for how one of those little $10-12 centrifugal table top fountain pumps could be used
to pump the water, or iced water up, over the round bottom flask receiver if extra condensing power was needed.
A steel file may be needed to score the tubing if it needs to be made shorter. A propane torch is needed to heat the tubing so that it can be bent and
then annealed.
BTW, I do have a ground glass distillation apparatus, but just for fun and skill development I wanted to build this one.
I probably should have another stopper, a two hole, in the round bottom receiving flask. A smaller diameter piece of glass tubing could extent out of
it increasing the cold surface area and acting as an air cooled reflux condenser. This would help reduce the amount of escaping nitric acid vapor as
well as probably reduce the amount of absorption of moisture by the nitric acid.
[Edited on 30-6-2014 by Hennig Brand] |