Sciencemadness Discussion Board

What to do with bismuth waste

Bedlasky - 11-9-2020 at 12:52


I tried small scale production of KIO4 by oxidation of KIO3 by NaBiO3. But reaction doesn't proceed well, so I poured this solution in to the solution of sodium metabisulfite. Yellow solution with white-grey precipitate was formed. Yellow solution should be iodine, precipitate probably some basic bismuth compound (mix of nitrate and sulfite). What should I do with bismuth waste?

unionised - 11-9-2020 at 14:56

Precipitate it with excess sodium bicarbonate.
Filter off the solids
(This may be made more complicated by the existence of iodide complexes of bismuth)

Add charcoal and NaOH
Heat until the NaOH melts.
Wait for the reduction.
Cast the metallic bismuth in a suitable mould.

Or just flush it down the toilet.
That's where all the pepto bismol goes.

[Edited on 11-9-20 by unionised]

MidLifeChemist - 11-9-2020 at 16:59

>> Heat until the NaOH melts. Wait for the reduction. Cast the metallic bismuth in a suitable mould.

I was thinking along the same lines. Why dispose, when you can recycle back into your compound / element collection :)

Bedlasky - 11-9-2020 at 20:46

Thanks for suggestions.

I think that recovering 1,26g of bismuth metal (in theory - if NaBiO3 is pure, which I doubt, and if there isn't any loses because of filtration step) isn't worth it.