Ti is quite suceptible to hydrogen uptake and embrittlement. Electrochemical H2 production creates a tremendous surface potential for the formed
hydrogen to penetrate into the cathode material. This potential is comparable to thousands of bar statical pressure to achieve the same outcome.
Cathodic hydrogen generation is used to saturate certain metals with the gas to levels which are unobtainable by other methods. So it is quite
predictable that the cathodes exhibit severe H2 related effects in a chloralkali cell. In fact one can often visually observe Ti plate cathodes (even
beefy ones with a thickness of several mm) bend and curve outwards from the anode side as this direction receives the most current density and hence
also the most hydrogen pressure to saturate the metal. Cristal lattice shall expand as a result and force the previously straight plate into an
impressive arch. The process is mostly reversible as hydrogen shall escape the metal quite quickly and heating mildly shall make the process rather
instantaneous. Just leaving the curved plates to rest in ambient air for a few days shall often rectify them into the initial configuration.
Given enough cycles of expansion the defects of the cristal lattice shal manifest themself as permanent damage to the metal and create centers for
corrosion....thus the plate shall begin to erode and cruble in the end. There is not really much one can do to prevent this from happening, but to be
honest the process is quite slow and a thin plate of CP Ti is not expensive enough to try and save it at all cost. It should just be exchanged, once
it is evident that irreversible damage has occurred. |