Take a look at the registration dates of any spam that appears. It is all late 2018 or early 2019 at the moment.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of sleeper accounts on the system. If it was up to me I would clean up the database but that is quite a job
I know.
And a cleanup based on activity creates its own problems. We recently had a member registered and inactive for five years suddenly make his first
post. (And it was a good one too.)
As forums go, this aint no ordinary place.
For the spam, just report it. No real need for replies or conversation. It makes it a bit quicker to clean if nothing else is in the thread.
Today was an exception. But I can usually clean up the spam before the first report anyway. Like I said there is a bit of flux at the moment. But even
that is only 3-4 per day. |