Well it is actually very easy and inexpensive to set up a business in the US. If you use your own name in the business name, you don't need to file a
DBA ($70-100 I think) - so you have to use first or last name in the business name like "Daves research lab" or "Smith Science shack" lol. Then you
need to get a TIN (tax ID number) through the IRS (some people use their SSN as their TIN, but it's not a good idea), which I think is free and you
can also get an EIN (employer ID number) also through the IRS, for free.
After that you have to register with the state and depending on what it is, there are filing fees that are usually not too much from what I remember -
$20-70 IIRC - but there were some that were more expensive but it's because you have to go through inspection checks, maybe like pharma manufacturing
(for retail and such).
If you wanted to, you could have a business up and running in a day in most states. Starting a non-profit can be just about as easy even though most
companies charge like $2-10K to start one for you... |