ThoughtsIControl - 27-7-2020 at 09:58
Hello all! I've been learning about the symmetry within molecules from an assortment of different sources. This inorganic chemistry topic is popular
enough to find all over the internet. Yet, the best learning experiences I have are when I am able to see the rotational and reflectional axis
followed by a 3d animation of what it looks like. This means that the C, sigma, and dihedral axis are labeled. I've even seen animation in a lecture
on Youtube where there were even scripts programmed to show how the bonds can stretch and bend with respect to the coupling electron.
I was wondering if anyone had a good resource for viewing such animations easily.
It's quite easy to find one here and there throughout the internet. However, I'm looking for a good platform so I can stick to one site to view 3d
molecular interactions. That would be extremely helpful.
Thank you and have a good day all 
reactofurnace - 5-8-2020 at 20:07
Not sure about the labelling. It depends on what you're looking for I guess. But try out the software Avogadro. You can construct molecules of
basically any type with some patience, and do several geometry optimizations.
ThoughtsIControl - 5-8-2020 at 20:21
Got it! It's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for the help 
reactofurnace - 5-8-2020 at 20:25
no probs. Found this in an older thread:
j_sum1 - 6-8-2020 at 05:04
Thoghts!Control, you should try Webmo.
Amongst its other beautiful attributes, it shows molecular orbitals and it animates the different resonances of molecules and calculates the frequency
of the resonance.
And it is easy enough that my begining chem students can build and view molecules with minimal background knowledge.
It is pretty darned good.
ThoughtsIControl - 6-8-2020 at 15:54
j_sum, I appreciate the platform! It's a really helpful tool from what I can tell by scanning through all the sample molecules. I appreciate how the
bond lengths are scripted in to show the ionic bond differences amongst atoms. Plus it is quite helpful for my visualization of atoms in space when
getting to structures such as Aspirin. Also, I feel like I should thank you personally for all the posts you've made on forums. I've definitely read
your name more than anyone else and I've learned a lot because of you. Keep on questioning my friend