No, unfortunately it is not possible.
These CCD arrays are too noisy and require you to build custom ultra-low-noise read-out electronics which are extremely complex to design. It is true
that professional Raman spectrometers use linear CCD array but these (CCDs) are in the 1-2k€ price range without the readout electronic (typically
TEC cooled expensive Hamamatsu sensors). The spectrometer that uses cheap sensor like the ILX511 in the USB2000 spectrometer from OceanOptics do not
work in Raman applications due to their high noise level.
When I designed the spectrometer, I knew that the noise of the sensor would be a critical feature (as well as light collection efficiency) so I made
an educated choice for the sensor. I chose to use CMOS machine vision camera because these sensors are produced at high volumes and therefore achieves
very good "bang 4 bucks" ratio *plus* you get the electronics enclosed and the SW to operate them. To give you an idea, I tested the FLIR camera I'm
using on a test bench at the office and I experimentally confirmed that the sensor was able to detect as low as 4 photons! This is a truly impressive
performance for less than 400€ (all-included).
Experimentally, I'm reaching SNR on the order of 1:1000 for only 3-5 seconds exposures for common lab solvents so the spectra are really clean even
with short exposures snapshots. Even at 10 Hz / 100 ms exposure you get good real-time Raman spectra.
I also wrote an article about how to choose the best camera sensor for spectroscopy based on decision-aid methods. You can check it here: |