Quote: Originally posted by mackolol  |
True story. I was working one night at in the psych ER at the county hospital of a major US city to remain nameless. Heard about a college student
coming in freaking out after taking a large number of mushrooms he'd cultivated. Normally I didn't find out about cases like that until they have
mostly cleared and show up on the psych side of the ER. He was freaking out less when he got there (his 'better living through chemistry; T-shirt was
a nice touch), but he was almost completely incoherent, unable to string together 2 or 3 words that went well together. IIRC, he had wet himself.
Tried to tell him I was giving him a medication to stop the trip and gave him 0.5 or 1mg (can't remember it was 15+ years ago), risperidone by mouth.
Usual dose is 1 to 6 mg a day. Came back about 40-45 min later. He is sitting up, in scrubs to replace the wet pants, speaking in complete
sentences, damn near stone cold sober. Talking with him, he'd gotten a bumper crop his first time growing mushrooms and severely underestimated the
potency of fresh picked and dried mushrooms over ones he had bought. So about 60 minutes after arriving unable to speak, he was getting ready to be
discharged and go home. And not take so many at once next time.
Thank you for joining, what an interesting biography! 
I have myself experienced exactly the same.
Although, the "psychedelic" was actually a deliriant(it was datura flower whiskey), and the antidote was haloperidol....
I remember sitting on a sofa, after having drunk that stuff from the little plastic beaker they gave me...
And how I, shyly, approached them at their counter an half hour later, asking wtf happened and why I'm there....
That was after the haldol "kicked in" and I saw reality again as what it is.
Lesson learned was, not to use nightshade derived deliriants ever again.... |