I use a similar motor for my diy overhead stirrer
d.c. motors have two main characteristics;
. speed proportional to voltage
. torque proportional to current
so even when operated at low speed, full rated torque is available.
(if power supply is adequate and the motor does not overheat)
I think that it will make an excellent stirrer motor.
- but consider the sparking of the commutator brushes as an ignition source.
P.S. providing the variable voltage for the motor can be achieved in many ways,
but first you need to know approximately what voltages and currents are required.
I guess that something like
or, more expensive but with many uses
try a 5V usb charger, an old laptop charger, ac/dc plug-pack etc.
The flexible coupler is not necessary, but I think it is better than a rigid coupler.
P.P.S. making your mixture easier to stir is the cheapest solution,
and a larger stirbar will help.
P.P.P.S. lots of chemistry procedures rely upon your patience
[Edited on 16-3-2020 by Sulaiman] |