Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Making Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) from urea

rockyit98 - 12-2-2020 at 17:09
100g urea + 0.5g Al2O3 nano powder is heated in a closed pot with tight lid (with out the lid you get no product it is tight enough to keep it from flying off but also gas could come out) till ammonia and water comes out 550C for 3Hs.
3CO(NH2)2 -----Heat----> g-C3N4 +3H2O +2NH3
the theoretical yield is about 50g but only 10g is the actual yield.i messed up and lid came loose halfway through .so i got only 5g of flakes and popcorn like (even color) stuff. separated the flakes and kept popcorn like one it was about 3.2g fluffy g-C3N4. i tested it with hot HNO3 nothing happened.heat it in a lighter flame only catalyst Al2O3 can use AlCl3 0.5g with urea well mixed in instead of Al2O3 nano powder.

g-CN 1 - Copy.jpg - 587kB

rockyit98 - 13-2-2020 at 16:40

ok what's wrong with you people ? this is a new compound with endless uses. or nobody is like yellow compounds like explosion&Fire . good quality 1g this $h1T sell about 100$.

clearly_not_atara - 14-2-2020 at 06:45

I think it's interesting, but what can we do with it? Could you coat it on things? Could you make a 'pencil'?

I do see at least one interesting possibility:

Tsjerk - 14-2-2020 at 07:43

Quote: Originally posted by clearly_not_atara  
I think it's interesting, but what can we do with it? Could you coat it on things? Could you make a 'pencil'?

I do see at least one interesting possibility:

That is definitely interesting, I didn't look too deep into it though.

@rockyit98: unfortunately, more often than not, you have to spice up new things a bit. If you have something new and interesting nobody knows about, a small introduction about why this is cool helps... sparking interest.

How do you maintain heating at 550 for so long?

[Edited on 14-2-2020 by Tsjerk]

rockyit98 - 14-2-2020 at 08:24

Quote: Originally posted by Tsjerk  

That is definitely interesting, I didn't look too deep into it though.

@rockyit98: unfortunately, more often than not, you have to spice up new things a bit. If you have something new and interesting nobody knows about, a small introduction about why this is cool helps... sparking interest.

How do you maintain heating at 550 for so long?

[Edited on 14-2-2020 by Tsjerk]

this is an interesting compound that can be used to Photocatalytic water splitting to make H2 and O2 from sunlight.but efficiency is so low to be practical yet.i based this on Robert Murray-Smith 's video

using my electric furnaces.this is the first time i tried this but i think if i heat it to 200C for 30Min and another 30Min at 300C then ramp up to 550C whold be better because reaction is so fast so much NH3 comes at ones, maybe also improve the yield?.

rockyit98 - 14-2-2020 at 08:33

after reading this maybe my yield is right to be 4g .also they didn't use Al2O3 as a catalyst that from an another paper that i read.
the paper

Attachment: Simple Pyrolysis of Urea into Graphitic Carbon Nitride.pdf (630kB)
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[Edited on 14-2-2020 by rockyit98]