always the same question, always the same answer: it depends on what you want to do.
are you into organic chemistry? inorganic? explosives? etc etc etc
i could tell you to buy a an essential oil extractor setup, but if you don't do essential oil extractions what's the point?
without any information about your intentions apart from "buying stuff" we can't give you any useful advise.
buy some beakers and flasks, dimensions? type? dunno it depends what you need them for.
if you are just beginning go for general purpose stuff, like a distillation setup from ebay for 30$, it can serve you for many things. buy a heating
source, a mantle or a hotplate, i suggest a hotplate as it can be used for more things (a stirring hotplate*).
test tubes are good to try a reaction before going to "big" scale.
if you are going to use volatiles often build/buy a fume hood, working outside is ok but can't be always done.
give us more information on what you would lime to perform first |