Friedrich Wöhler - 13-2-2004 at 18:09
I scientist I heared in radio saying, emmision of platinum into atmosphere from a lot of cars with catalysed gas cells (hydrogene-automobiles) could
bring a still unknown danger because of platinum's extreme catalysing characteristics. He said, nobody still knows today, what a microgramm of
platinum in human blood and cells can do.
Has anybody informations obout that platinum's biochemistry?
vulture - 14-2-2004 at 04:13
Currently, certain platinum complexes are being researched as cancer treatment medicine because they have the ability to bend a DNA chain under such
an angle that it can't reproduce.
The problem currently faced is that the compound is not selective enough and that it will attack healthy cells.
notagod - 14-2-2004 at 09:04
It is all ready used as a cancerdrug. Look up cis-platin on google. Very interesting, how it was discoverd.
unionised - 15-2-2004 at 16:27
ditto "carboplatin"
Friedrich Wöhler - 15-2-2004 at 16:59
Well, platin-compounds even as medicine, but that scientist in radio spoke about metallic platinum (and its enormouse catalytic work)
PHILOU Zrealone - 2-6-2004 at 05:27
Metalic platin has a surface catalytic effect which means it adsorbs gases or liquids and help reactions speed by lowering activation energy.
Mostly those catalytic effects are to help oxydation or hydrogenation.
The anticancer drugs never involve plain metalic platine but mostly cationic Pt(2+) and seldom Pt(4+)... wich have a world of difference with the
noble metal form...
PHILOU Zrealone - 2-6-2004 at 05:30
Also Pt catalyst works only at a hot temperature...sometimes the PT selfheat by the reaction taking place on its surface...the famous case of
catalytic oxydation of hot ethanol vapours to ethanal and acetic acid by Pt wire in the air comes to mind... at a certain point the wire start to
glow orange and ethanol vapour usually inflames.