Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Have you told anyone about the forum?

Quantum - 12-2-2004 at 22:15

I have some friends that I would *not* tell as they could bring the wrong kind of attention to me/the forum. I might recomend them to totse if say they wanted to make a smoke comp or fuse.

Who have/would you told and why? Chemistry teachers, parents, friends? Who would you not tell?

Note: Im just trying to get a feel for the communities thoughts on talking about chemistry and the forum in general as I am new here.

BromicAcid - 13-2-2004 at 06:08

I said that I would tell my lab partner, but what I ment by that is just someone interested in chemistry already. In college I tell people about this site all the time, who knows if any of them frequent it but I try and get the word out. I just believe that someone not interested in chemistry already will not benefit from this site so I go for the people with the intrest already there, although my friends know as does my girlfriend.

axehandle - 13-2-2004 at 10:32

I would tell only people I know I can trust (both when it comes to keeping their mouths shut and not blowing themselves up).

Right know I can think of only one friend that meets these criteria, and I am still undecided about telling him.

A little paranoia has always served me well.

[Edited on 2004-2-13 by axehandle]

I Have

Turel - 13-2-2004 at 12:08

I've shown some friends. Can't say I have shown any teachers, they really would not care, so why waste their time.

Since my parents have known about my activities for some 12 years now, I'm sure I have mentioned this site, amongst a few others, to them, several times. Just following in dad's footsteps I suppose...

As far as who not to tell, well I pretty much don't tell anyone unless I have a reason to tell them. Either something cool to show them, or perhaps they ask a question that I remember being covered well on a web discussion. That happens a lot. Sometimes I show certain people simply to show them that these places exist, such as my mother about 5 years ago starting with google groups and such, and progressing from there as I found more forums. My father does it all the old fashioned way, in a library for seemingly days on end.

As for people who I don't tell, pretty much anyone who would not care. I don't want to waste their time in something they have no interest. I have successfully induced interest in several coworkers here. Heh, I even got my grandmother to read the Hive for a few hours after I showed her some answer to something she asked there.

People have a strong curiosity in things that are socially taboo, and when they find places where such information is freely shared with lack of scrutiny, most that I have observed, are perfectly jaw-dropped for awhile, and their addiction to such communities steadily grows. I love converting.....muwahaaha.

Communities of all sorts are a good place in general to search for information on subjects you are not particularly experienced with. I try to make my friends/family/coworkers realize this. There are wonderful resources online for anything most could imagine, and they simply require participation in order to be a beneficiary. Good suff, good stuff.


IgnorantlyIntelligent - 13-2-2004 at 17:58

Never told anyone about the site. Don't plan on it. No one I trust enough to have them involved in these types of things through me. If they come by it by chance and blow themselves up or burn down their house then it's just funny and doesn't hurt me.

axehandle - 13-2-2004 at 19:33

To my previous statement, I would add, after "blowing themselves up", "or to blow others up".

IgnorantlyIntelligent - 14-2-2004 at 09:31

Actually, I told one person. He's died playing with fire shortly after.......tragic, so tragic.

Theoretic - 15-2-2004 at 07:39

Well, actually my schoolmates know about it... ...they would have to try hard not to as I use up one or two hours of my time on this site using the school computer!
My science teacher also knows... he still thinks it has to do with "bombs"...and looks closer at me now... students in my school that don't know me very well call it "bomb sites". One of my friends has registered just for the sake of it (kingxnf).

vulture - 15-2-2004 at 08:07

One of my friends has registered just for the sake of it (kingxnf).

I hope you informed him of the fact that:

- This is not a board for bombmaking
- Any individual that posts anything about bombmaking will get to know the evil admin a little better.

Theoretic - 16-2-2004 at 08:27

"One of my friends has registered just for the sake of it (kingxnf).

I hope you informed him of the fact that:

- This is not a board for bombmaking
- Any individual that posts anything about bombmaking will get to know the evil admin a little better."
He's not the kind of individual that would make kewl bombz and he knows essentially nothing about chemistry, so there's no problem.

IgnorantlyIntelligent - 16-2-2004 at 18:26

Theoreic, you let everyone in your school think your the next unibomber......good job.*clap*clap

Haggis - 17-2-2004 at 18:28

I have told some of my friends about the forum, and a couple of them browse it occasionally.

At one point, one of them read my post on my experiments with chlorobutanol while he was out of town. I, wanting to tell him about it when he got back into town, was amusingly suprised when he started commenting on my experience without him even 'telling' me.

Humorous, but at the same time, a shake back to reality that everyone can read anything. Odd feeling how he knew about my experiments without me even telling him of them.

tom haggen - 17-2-2004 at 18:45

I have told some of the people I hang out with outside of school. Most of them are party kids, and they don't even listen to me when I tell them about it. For some reason I don't really like people at school knowing I visit this site. I have only showed one person in my computer programing class but i'm not worried about him. The ex-military police officer is the one that worries me. Man those marines get brain washed very badly.

Theoretic - 18-2-2004 at 05:14

"Theoreic, you let everyone in your school think your the next unibomber......good job.*clap*clap"
When I don't have to, I don't tell anybody. When somebody does ask me, I tell them the truth. I also tell them that the site is about chemistry and not about kewl bombz.
My friends also occasionally visit the Whimsy section.
And it also :mad: me that people ask me if I can make "bombz" and when I say no, they say "you can, innit".
I have the impression a vile mind is spreading rumours about me, I never say more than I have to...

tom haggen - 18-2-2004 at 12:52

I'm sure theoretic knows exactly what he's doing.

IgnorantlyIntelligent - 18-2-2004 at 14:25

No need to get mad eh.
Whether the board is for bombmaking, chemistry, or w/e, people are still going to look at it how ever they want to. People are ignorant and affraid of knowledge and if the wrong person knew of the knowledge you might have theyd act on it in a not-so-pleasing way(to you)
You said you dont tell anyone about it yet you leave it up on your school computer for about 2 hours a day...hmmm
Anyways I didn't want to start an argument.
Sorry buddy :)

Magpie - 18-2-2004 at 23:07

When I first found the forum I was very excited and was telling everyone. Then you start to see who your real friends are. Those who are reallly good friends, have similar interests, respect you, etc take it seriously and don't say anything as they are sensitive. Those who just like having some fun at your expense will (behind your back) say that your are "going to make meth" or are a "mad bomber." So, now I just don't talk about it. If I was obsessed with fishing or golf it wouldn't matter if people joked about me, but chemistry is, unfortunately (or fortunately), an altogether different matter.

Theoretic - 19-2-2004 at 04:19

Usually when someone who doesn't know me sees me on this site, sees the words "science", "scientific", the most likely outcome would be the uttering of words "science boy" and not giving it a second thought (and scurrying for cover if IQ < average :D ...joking).
If it has to do with science, stupid kids are most likely to just go away after a first glance...

[Edited on 19-2-2004 by Theoretic]

IgnorantlyIntelligent - 19-2-2004 at 18:51

Magpie, I know exactly what you mean! My ex-friend XnXoR is a complete moron. Fails all classes, doesnt know shit about shit and his life is shit. He would call me a uni-bomber for bringing a brick of blasting gel with us camping. He made fun of me the entire trip calling me a nerd and timithy mcveigh. I ended uop setting the charge off with my true friend and it was awsome totaly blowing down the treee it was on. Everyone heard the explosion from camp and ran over(even his gf) and were majorly impressed with it asking me how I could make such a thing and so on(I told then nothing, just walked back to camp ignoring them) He is now on my enemy list and I havent seen him in about a month
Oh BTW, his gf broke up with his ass and went out with the kid that was my true friend! LOL

I do have concerns for the environment but this tree was calling me bad names the night before while I was slightly drunk and walking through the woods.
And it wasnt sucha horrible fate, it will be remembered for atleast a couple more months and the death was pretty fast.....7,000m/s! LOL The brick was in a spice tin and weighed about 3/4 of a pound. The tree was only like 8" in diameter and pretty soft wood, hardely a challenge.

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by IgnorantlyIntelligent]

Saerynide - 20-2-2004 at 02:52

The poor, innocent tree :( What did it ever do to you to deserve such a horrible fate?? Have you no care for the environment? :P

EDIT: HOLY SHIT!! A 8" diameter tree is not a young tree! It takes ages for trees to grow that big :(

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Saerynide]

IgnorantlyIntelligent - 20-2-2004 at 22:01

Are you joking or being seriouse? There's probably 1000000000000 trees in AZ. Now there's 999999999999. Your not with green peace or anything are yu? I guess I shouldn't speak of my coyote claymore:o

I recently told my good friend about the forum. He is very trust worthy and a smart and talented individual. This is the first person I've told about the forum.

OK fine. No more trees. I won't be making anymore HEs for a long time. I'll be working on finishing my howiter which I just calculated last night to have 15,240 foot pounds of energy at 100 yards! I don't liek foot pounds, I wanted to know how much energy it has on the actual point of impact(my projectiles are 1.4" in diameter, NOT one square foot) If the force of 15,240lbs is being spread out over 1 square foot than at point of impact is(144 x 15,240 / 1.4) = 1,567,542.857 pounds of pressure
Ive already shot and cronographed it 8 times. The only work I have yet to do is put my aiming aperatous on it so I can put that power to use. The projectiles weigh one pound and are traveling on average 1100fps using 25g BP & 20g DBSP:D
Anyone know how far this could shoot at a 45 degree angle? I searched and found no fomrula.

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by IgnorantlyIntelligent]

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by IgnorantlyIntelligent]

Saerynide - 21-2-2004 at 01:36

Im both. And no, Im not with green peace :P

Im not like terribly upset or anything, I just dont go around blowing up trees :P

YT2095 - 28-6-2006 at 04:22

only people I know well (and those that are Interested in Chem naturaly).

it`s strange actualy, as my account here is quite old but was never used for Many years, and a Friend of mine actualy recomended I come here a few weeks ago, so I re-activated my account, and then found a few familiar "faces" here also ;)

Thnx Woelen and Hi, JDurg :)

triphenylphosphineoxide - 28-6-2006 at 18:53

I have told only 3 people about this site; My former supervisor, my father and a friend who was interested to know if such sites existed. I can think of about 4 other people who would love to know about this, But I just don't trust their sense of self preservation.

DeAdFX - 28-6-2006 at 19:04

I haven't told anybody about this website. I might in the future but at the moment I cannot find anyone who is intrested in chemistry to the extent I am.

woelen - 29-6-2006 at 02:35

My wife knows about it, and some other people, who really know me well. Most people are not even interested in this and they don't bother me being present on a forum like this. No fear of terrorism, meth-cooking or whatever adverse activity, simply not interested at all.

I see around me that most people do not have much interest in science, even the persons, who do a "science" study. I see a lot of people, only TALKING about science, but there are only very few, who actually DO science.

enhzflep - 29-6-2006 at 03:01

I've nobody to tell to be honest. I was put onto this site some 18ish months ago, at the same time as I was informed about

However, I find myself in a similar boat to DeAdFX, in that I know of nobody else who would even be interested. They (the people I know well enough to consider talking to about this topic) are utterly disinterested in science.

In that sense it would be wasting both their time and my own. Not to mention that a lack of interest and knowledge on the exact politics of the subject may well cause information to be spread to my detriment.

Guess it's just a shame that all the 'terrorism shops' have shut down, :D
and terrorists have to resort to roll-your-own, putting ourselves and them seemingly in the same boat, with potentially the same motives to be wary of. Especially after the likes of Timothy McVeigh and the London mob. All of whom broaden the stereotype of what a potential terrorist may look like. Thanks too, to all the bloody meth-heads, whose cooks have well and truely ruined whatever ground we still had after the terrorists caused restictions to be raised.

Adar - 8-7-2006 at 14:47

Well I was told about this site abit more than a year ago. I read quite abit on the site but decided to not really join until after I had read some chemistry in english. So now I'm here.

franklyn - 25-7-2006 at 13:03

I'm quite new here, I became aware of this forum in the

write up it received in a recent Wired magazine article.

That pretty well makes this thread acedemic trifling huh.


White Yeti - 26-12-2011 at 12:24

I direct people who I know are deeply interested in chemistry, but who cannot find any websites that provide information other than the basic concepts and facts. I myself, am glad to be part of this forum because at one point, I was bored of what other websites had to offer. I felt like a big fish in a small pond. Here at science madness, I feel like a small fish in a big pond, and that's the way it should be. I'm glad that someone directed me to this forum, and I want to share what this forum has to offer with other people.

Ephoton - 26-12-2011 at 16:56

I only yell people who can actively use the information and are not into the mass manufacture of
substance that will harm our societies.

there is a lot of power to those who know what to look for here.

but yes probably 6 or 7 people know from my self and word of mouth.

my self I found this place through the HIVE.

paulr1234 - 26-12-2011 at 23:57

Only people I know well and who have a deep interest in chemistry, and that venn diagram is a very small slice.

I suspect that many folks who I know might be enjoy the better content, would be concerned by the frequent posts about narcotics and explosives. I'd like to see a slightly more vigorous 'send to detritus' policy, especially on drug topics (even when the post is well written and the procedure enlightening).

I know that will upset some folks, so sorry in advance, just how I feel.

hissingnoise - 27-12-2011 at 08:36

I suspect that many folks who I know might be enjoy the better content, would be concerned by the frequent posts about narcotics and explosives. I'd like to see a slightly more vigorous 'send to detritus' policy, especially on drug topics (even when the post is well written and the procedure enlightening).
I know that will upset some folks, so sorry in advance, just how I feel.

It's not a big deal - since yours would seem a minority view, according to a fairly recent poll . . .
And kewls seem now to be few and far between!

Arthur Dent - 27-12-2011 at 09:12

I discovered the existence of SM while googling a specific synthesis, how to make Copper Sulfate...

ScienceMadness is a wonderful resource of information and many very knowledgeable people are in here, I hope it will always be here in this format. On the other hand, there are several useless, unstable people here who post inconcievable dreck, not counting the low IQ kewl kiddies and the potential meth cooks that occasionally attempt to get some ready-made recipes. I commend Polverone for his quick response in removing these irritants, but there are some that still rear their ugly head from time to time.

And I agree with what paulr1234 said, there are a lot of posts in Energetics and OrgSyn that should simple be deleted ouright.

New members are always welcome but I believe the criteria for acceptance into this community should be a bit more stringent. Favoritism? Hell yeah!

Some people will be pissed by my comment? Tough shit, this site isn't intended for criminal activities, it's a hobby science forum and anyone who tries to hijack this place for outrageous political or religious comments, discussions about drugs or weaponry should be banned with the utmost eagerness.

There I said it, I emptied my heart. As paulr1234 said, this may irritate some people, but why should it? If you don't post about politics, religion, drugs or weapons, this shouldn't affect you, but if you do post about politics, religion, drugs or weapons, why oh why are you here in the first place?

I haven't told anyone about this site for the simple reason that I don't know anyone who shares their love of hobby chemistry as I do. Period.


[Edited on 27-12-2011 by Arthur Dent]

White Yeti - 27-12-2011 at 10:54

Quote: Originally posted by Arthur Dent  
On the other hand, there are several useless, unstable people here who post inconcievable dreck, not counting the low IQ kewl kiddies and the potential meth cooks that occasionally attempt to get some ready-made recipes. I commend Polverone for his quick response in removing these irritants, but there are some that still rear their ugly head from time to time.
Some people will be pissed by my comment? Tough shit, this site isn't intended for criminal activities, it's a hobby science forum and anyone who tries to hijack this place for outrageous political or religious comments, discussions about drugs or weaponry should be banned with the utmost eagerness.
[Edited on 27-12-2011 by Arthur Dent]

I am not pissed at your comment, but I do have to point something out.

I remember when ThePHDchemist (whatever his name) was still here, Polverone let him post 30+ comments before banning him, even though it was so very obvious he didn't have the sanest of intentions.

In a sense, I think nuisances should be removed as quickly as possible, but you have to remember that this is the World Wide Web, not the United States/Canada/United Kingdom/Australia web. Some people do not speak English as their first language, and thus can be mistaken for k3wl kiddi3s by their understandable lack of vocabulary and incoherent thoughts.

Furthermore, you have to distinguish between troublemakers and beginners, this is not the easiest of tasks. Again, I admire the work of all the administrators who do a wonderful job at keeping this forum at such an excellent level.

I am proud to be a member of this forum. I wish I could contribute more, but I'm still a beginner, and I have much to learn.

Arthur Dent - 28-12-2011 at 06:29

I totally agree with you, White Yeti, and I do try my best to distinguish between a person whose native language is not English, and the annoying trolls/cooks/kewls, although it's a bit touchy at times.

Hell, I'm not even of English-speaking origins, i'm French Canadian.

Your reference to ThePHDchemist is a good one, I thought at first this was an overenthusiastic youth, but as time went by, it became obvious that this was either a very clever and devious troll, or a deeply disturbed individual.

I will always contribute my knowledge (albeit limited) to beginners and often respond to their enquiries if I am familiar with the subject.

My point is... there are many "beginners" who just jump in in their first few post point blank asking about obvious precursors for drug manufacture, like ephedrine... do they want to make cough syrup? Methinks not!

And then there are the loopy loons who talk about the government killing them with microwaves and conspiracy whores, who attract unneeded attention to this forum with their ramblings and "manifestos"...

I am also happy to be a member of this great forum, lots of great, brilliant people eager to help! My only hope is that this place remains as it it, a hobby chemistry forum and a great source of scientific information, nothing more.


Vogelzang - 28-12-2011 at 13:47

I try not to tell people about forums I'm active with after seeing some of them errupt into hate frenzies after telling people about them. The insanity is too embarressing.

[Edited on 28-12-2011 by Vogelzang]

paulr1234 - 30-12-2011 at 23:58

Honestly, it's some of the better written posts that worry me more. I just saw another entitled "3,4-MD-Phenmetrazine" which seems to really cross the line. It is thoughtful in its content and posits and has generated a wealth of equally thoughtful responses. Anyway, I'm not going to dwell on this or comment further, as others have noted, the Mods do a great job, and I don't want to seem as if I am being critical, which I am most certainly not. I also understand that the general principle is that posts that have 'quality' scientific content (well written, adequately cited etc.) are always welcome irrespective of the legal considerations (which, after all, vary from territory to territory). Somewhat paradoxically, I also don't want to live in a world that is overly moderated and sanitized; I don't go on vacation to Disneyland and don't want to become that either. That kind of 'nappy-state' mentality killed the chemistry set of the 1970s (and before) and we've all lost something as a result. Amateur science makes a very real contribution in many areas of study (astronomy is a great example) and I really believe we should aim to elevate our work (and fun) to a similar level of credibility, acceptance and contribution... Happy New Year everyone, may our children enjoy setting fire to their parent's curtains for many years to come.

Quote: Originally posted by Arthur Dent  
there are several useless, unstable people here who post inconcievable dreck, not counting the low IQ kewl kiddies and the potential meth cooks that occasionally attempt to get some ready-made recipes. [Edited on 27-12-2011 by Arthur Dent]

[Edited on 31-12-2011 by paulr1234]

Adas - 31-12-2011 at 16:38

I mentioned SM to 3 people I know very well, but none of them is really interested in this forum, because they don't need it + they don't know (chemical) english well enough. :D

hissingnoise - 1-1-2012 at 05:18

There are several useless, unstable people here who post inconcievable dreck, not counting the low IQ kewl kiddies and the potential meth cooks that occasionally attempt to get some ready-made recipes.

It is, though, a democratic forum, and should remain so . . .

Vogelzang - 3-1-2012 at 14:43

Look what this guy did.

quicksilver - 4-1-2012 at 16:16

Tesla Coils, Microscopes, & an enormous amount of books crowd my home. It would come as no surprise to anyone who knows me. Putting aside the issue that not all my acquaintances are as responsible as I believe they should for their community's sake I have told some responsible folks who had interests in science, Perhaps half dozen over the years, but most [of their interests] were in aspects of biology, zoology, herpetology, or physics. So I think they looked around, they MAY have bookmarked it, but I only know perhaps 2 other people who even have an interest in chemistry (in one fellow's job) & pyrotechnics (rockets; mostly engineering).

Bot0nist - 4-1-2012 at 16:55

Quote: Originally posted by Vogelzang  
Look what this guy did.

What? Did you tell this guy about SciMad or something?

DougTheMapper - 6-1-2012 at 15:20

When people ask me about my hobby and whether I make "bombs" I'm always honest. I tell them I do. Or rather, did. I tell them that learning chemistry is like learning a new language in primary school: the first thing kids always do is look up all the foul words because it's the only thing that's interesting. Same with chemistry - the first thing most budding chemists do is make the "cool" stuff like bombs and restricted chems.

But then I explain that I eventually became more interested in the chemistry behind the material rather than the material itself, so I "don't risk my future on kiddie stuff like that anymore."

Not only does this drive home the point that I am rather harmless, but it also lets them know that discussing bombs, drugs, or the synthesis of either of those things is childish "kiddie stuff" to me, so it usually prevents further inquiry/harassment.

EDIT: Secretly, I still love energetics and I am currently working on some energetic salts of nitroguanidine. But don't tell anyone who knows me! :D

[Edited on 6-1-2012 by DougTheMapper]

jamit - 6-1-2012 at 16:54

@Arthur dent - I agree with you, let's continue to make this a form for experimental and hobby chemistry. Get rid of drugs or weapons recipes... Political and religious comments should be kept to a minimum.

Most people i know are not interested in science as a hobby, so I don't have anyone to tell them about sm. Hell, they don't even know I have a lab in the garage... Like Magpie, only my wife and kids know and they don't tell anyone period. :D

But if someone I knew were thinking about doing chemistry or science as a potential hobby, I'll definitely refer them to this forum.:D

[Edited on 7-1-2012 by jamit]

[Edited on 7-1-2012 by jamit]