Sciencemadness Discussion Board

important! piperidone with two -OH vs. the preferred =O one

zephler - 22-12-2010 at 23:36

Ok, so a friend is trying to buy 4-piperidone (I always thought it was 4-piperidinone) from some chinese supplier, but all they have is the one (oddly with the exact same CAS#) with two hydroxy groups instead of the =O ketone functionality. They claim, that if they remove a water, then it produces the desired molecule with the ketone functionality, and that this molecule is unstable, and will eventually break back down into the di-hydroxy molecule. My fear is that in them saying they are removing water, is just that they will remove the water of crystalization? Can anyone PLEASE comment on the change from piperidone with two OH groups to piperidone with a ketone functionality?

undead_alchemist - 23-12-2010 at 00:43

It could also be why it is sold many times as a HCl salt.

garage chemist - 23-12-2010 at 02:59

Free 4-piperidone is unstable and undergoes self-condensation.
Buy the hydrochloride.

why is it that 4-piperidone with a ketone functionality

zephler - 23-12-2010 at 06:21

why is it that most people sell what they call 4-piperidone hcL monohydrate that has a diol functionality and instead of the ketone functionality? According to sigma, both the one with the diol group and the one with a ketone have the same CAS number? Can the diol be reacted into the much more useful ketone ? How?

garage chemist - 23-12-2010 at 07:11

Perhaps it's the same situation as with chloral hydrate and Ninhydrin, that the geminal diol is more stable and the carbonyl compound is not an article of commerce.

k2976 - 26-12-2010 at 12:27

It's because it's the monohydrate, forms the unstable carbonyl with removal. Once it's the freebase it's gone. You should really know that before you ever thought about ordering this compound. This chemical is very closely watched as a precursor to fentanyl so you better have a ACTUAL company when customs takes it and forwards it to the DEA for delivery (literally has happened to people I talk to). If it was that easy wouldn't everybody be doing it? Use common sense or go to jail.

[Edited on 26-12-2010 by k2976]

MagicJigPipe - 26-12-2010 at 14:20

Yes, if he actually ordered this he WILL be going to jail. Although it would be interesting to see something fall through the cracks.