Panache - 25-11-2010 at 09:51
got some at auction recently, got lots actually all new stuff an example is 2x Sick partner portals, see below, list is around $1k here in australia,
how would i possibly find a buyer here or anywhere?
Attachment: SICK Partner Portal.pdf (41kB)
This file has been downloaded 885 times
Magpie - 26-11-2010 at 09:37
I have no idea what you are trying to sell. What is a SICK Partner portal?
Assuming this is a collection of industrial instrumentation and measurement devices why not use eBay or LabX. I see a lot of such equipment there.
Panache - 26-11-2010 at 16:39
its just a wizz bang current proximity photoelectric eddy current zero emission rare earth switch thing used to stop things, little use on its own
standing there but big use if you're got an array of them and one blows so facilities keep spares of the entire small device which plugs in, its like
a cigarette pack size. Kind of like a $1000 Light globe.
btw it doesn't have all those things in it i thought though if i sprayed enough marketing hype jargon adjectives one of them would be correct
i want to keep the boxes they are in as they say SICK all over them, don't know what it means in German but in english its way sick to have a sick
Justin - 26-11-2010 at 17:44
I've seen SICK all over MIT's unmanned vehicles, i just thought it was an acronym or something, maybe its a manufacturer? Someone who's into the
unmanned stuff would probably buy them
Panache - 28-11-2010 at 15:30
sorry linked the wrong product pdf here's the correct one, btw thanks for those 36 that tried downloading the defunct index page.
edit forgot to link pdf hahaha
[Edited on 28-11-2010 by Panache]
Attachment: online_data_sheet_WS_WE24-X2301_en_20101128_2307.pdf (923kB)
This file has been downloaded 468 times