Sedit you can just stop outright. I don't count you among my peers nor would I anyone who at the very least can't employ a spellchecker before
posting. One of the most basic of human skills is the use of language.(please edit your post and correct yourself, I feel the
need to respond to you just so the class doesn't think my silence gratifies your flawed response)
Your rambling about drug use I have no care for whatsoever. Are you trying to impress me with your being very young? Enough so to have used Lexapro
(and been damaged by long term use, by 16) which has only been out for just under 10 years now?
You feel the need to try and brag which seems to be a result of my post, fascinating. Who put you on said
antidepressant ? Your parents I assume? If this was the truth and you were harmed by it I guarantee there would have been a
lawsuit as happens in the adult world. Further your bragging would have mentioned this. Thus I cannot conclude your testimony
is true.
Your own life has been changed badly by the chronic use of drugs (prescribed or not). Yet your not onboard with my calls of caution.
You try and make right your statements about abusing a veterinary anaesthetic. Again your statements cannot be judged as accurate.
You also still try and seem to wish to sway my mind about drugs. I'm not against them.
You speak of a pure heart and yet you claim to have punished people who weren't deserving ? Those statements are in direct conflict
with each other. I'm sure your punishing people matters to someone who isn't anybody here.
Next time to want to make a point use your amazing (drug ruined) intelligence and say what you want to without mentioning names. Use
metaphors or other literary mechanisms.
I won't go so far as to call you a liar. However should you wish to prove yourself take a picture with or of your medication and redact what is
necessary, put a post-it note or otherwise on it. Don't bother with a well worded response. Pictures of my own gear, research animals and products of
my ability are right here on this board. This is the internet, pictures or it NEVER happened.
When compiling a thoughtful response to someone don't use things like "WTF" in the statement. No scientific paper that's ever going to be approved has
that type of language in it. You should be treating the internet as a place that never ever forgets what you typed and thus try to be
coherent. If you're too tired then post later when you are better rested.
Now, If you'll excuse me I'll be in other threads helping those who are still in active threads, not this one.
[Edited on 28-2-2011 by Regolith] |