Quote: Originally posted by Loptr ![](images/xpblue/lastpost.gif) |
It can be used in the preparation of organocadmium compounds, like dimethyl cadmium, which has its risks (toxic) but isn't as much of a pyro as
dimethyl zinc. I think there is a Rhodium/Erowid entry that uses dimethyl cadmium, as it will turn an aldehyde into a methyl ketone, not that I am
making an entry on Erowid a selling point, as that is not being condoned. |
The blogger Derek Lowe had some choice words about dimethyl cadmium: https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2013/05/08/th...
To summarize: Dimethyl cadmium, then, represents the demon plunked in the middle of the lowest circle as far as this element is concerned . . .
No, this compound appears to have no fan club whatsoever. Start one at your own risk.
[Edited on 2019-4-23 by Metacelsus] |