@blogfast: With dilute solutions of "HNO3" produced from Ca(NO3)2 and 20% HCl, full digestion of the metal could be achieved in less than 15 min, with
intermittent heating over open flame. Maybe #1 was slow for you because you had a lower HCl concentration which caused passivation by surface oxide?
When I digested only tin containing solders, the HCl/HNO3 solution stayed pretty much colorless (even though the nitric acid was orange to begin
with). The lead bearing solders developed orange coloration but, not extremely intense. The pewter samples seemed to develop more orange coloration
than the lead ones, I am not sure why.
As I stated in one of my replies, according to literature (which is congruent with my experiences) aqua regia will not precipitate tin as the oxide.