Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Steel retort design for making Na metal for review

metalresearcher - 15-9-2010 at 11:49

I want to make Na metal chemically, because it seesm a lot easier than with the usal electrolysis of NaOH (which dissolves the Na metal) or NaCl/CaCl2 mixture which requires separation of the anode and cathode sections .

The reaction is :

Na2CO3 + 2C --> 2Na + 3CO

This reaction is favorable @ 1100oC and was still used commercially in the late 19th century.
Now I want to make a steel tube retort to run this reaction. Small samples in a test tube (the latter did not survive, melted like plastic) did release Na vapor due to the bright yellow sparks escaping from the reactants.
I already made a steel pot (made from a steel tube which bottom is squeezedin a vise and then welded together) with a 3/4 steel tube screwing cap but I'll make a steel tube to capture the vapor and collect it under mineral oil. I pot the end of the tube not too far under the oil level to prevent the oil coming in the retort when pressure lowers due to e.g. the flame moves a bit away.
I'll put the retort in a propane furnace heated to 1200oC
Of course I'll take safety precautions: do it outdoors , wear a face mask and gloves.

Does anyone have suggestions ?

IMG_4116.JPG - 65kB

IMG_4118.JPG - 48kB

[Edited on 2010-9-15 by metalresearcher]

Globey - 15-9-2010 at 13:30

I bet if someone comes up with miniaturized versions of Down's Cell/Castner Cell, ammonia plant, liquid air plant,, P plant, etc. all very small, and producing gram quantities (instead of tons), and simply plug into 110 or 220. That person will make a killing off sales. These are toys the rich would LOVE to have, and would EASILY spend thousands of dollars on. The Germans spend thousands on vocoders, why not this?

Magpie - 15-9-2010 at 14:00

I have no comments on the concept, and am eargerly awaiting your results.

My only comments are only on the possibility of making the fabrication a little easier for you in the future:

1. Use a pipe nipple (short pipe piece, threaded both ends) as body.
2. Seal one end of the body with a threaded cap; backweld.
3. Use a threaded reducer at the top; backweld to the body.
4. Thread the bent vapor/condenser pipe into the reducer at the top; Backweld to the reducer.

These plumbing fittings should be available in black iron (steel), normally used for natural gas piping I think.

Edit: The backwelding may be optional. If so, omitting it would make the retort reuseable.

[Edited on 15-9-2010 by Magpie]

[Edited on 15-9-2010 by Magpie]

[Edited on 15-9-2010 by Magpie]

spong - 16-9-2010 at 06:34

Are you going to heat the thin tube or will the CO being released keep it hot enough?
Also, if you're having trouble finding thin steel tube, steel brake lines should work well and come in a few different diameters, you might also be able to get a fitting that would go straight from the brake line to something like 1/4" threads, I suppose that wouldn't be all that useful to you though as you can just weld it.

metalresearcher - 16-9-2010 at 09:09

I'll use 1/2" central heating pipe which is made of galvanized steel. I'll weld a steel 1/2" threaded cap (which I will open by drill a holein it) and then screw it onto a 3/4" -> 1/2" reducer.
The pipe will be bended to point it 45 deg downward.

bbartlog - 16-9-2010 at 11:06

In my opinion your proposed operating temperature is (still) too close to the melting point of your vessel. Even if you start with an iron alloy (something low carbon) that will in principle not melt at 1200C, and you have good enough temperature control and even heating so that no part melts, the extra carbon (CO) in your system will gradually carburize the steel and lower its melting point as more carbon enters the mix. I don't know what a good vessel material would be (nickel? graphite?) but I don't know that ordinary steel will cut it. On the plus side, your design allows for easy replacement of the reaction vessel if it turns out that steel will work for a small number of runs...

I also see that part of your design involves a galvanized pipe. I don't know what sort of thermal gradient there will be here but if you are lucky the zinc coating will only melt; if you are unlucky it will vaporize (which is hazardous to your health). Don't use galvanized parts near the hot part of your setup. More generally, if you're going to construct apparatus that runs at white heat you really need to familiarize yourself with the thermal limits of different materials.

[Edited on 16-9-2010 by bbartlog]

Wizzard - 16-9-2010 at 12:06

It would be far easier to have the output end in a cooled copper vessel, cooled well below freezing, so that all gaseous sodium would collect and solidify, and positive pressure from the carbon monoxide would flow out slowly, through say, a pinhole or regulated valve of some sort.

Also, this would allow you to heat the vessel and collect the sodium in a puddle, with the vessel sealed (of course).

Line your steel melting vessel with a high-temp ceramic crucible.

Magpie - 16-9-2010 at 12:24

I am thinking that the body-to-reducer connection should be threaded and not backwelded so that the assembly is cleanable after use and hence reuseable.

Keep the bent pipe at a small enough diameter and length to accomplish the following:

1. Large enough diameter that there is no risk of plugging.
2. Small enough to prevent excessive heat loss via the pipe.
3. Stays warm enough that the sodium remains a liquid and flows nicely into the receiving oil bath (Na mp = 98C; bp=883C).

I agree that galvanized steel should not be used. Especially when it is so easy to get black iron (at least for me it is).

Eclectic - 16-9-2010 at 12:59

2 inch black iron pipe fittings should be cheap enough, and of a scale that the effort might be worthwhile?
There is some stuff on thermocarbic production of potassium in Mussprat (see the SM Library)

NERV - 16-9-2010 at 13:32

Awesome its nice to see another person who is on the side of non-electrochemical alkali metal production :D. After a long hiatus from home experimentation I have started a new project similar to yours. My aim though is the production of potassium utilizing the KOH & Mg termite. The method was derived from the discussion's in unconventional sodium. Since KOH & Mg turnings are readily available to me this method is unmatched.

The reaction proceeds as follows:


The reaction is very fast (almost explosive for NaOH) and it is initiated at a relatively low temperature. The nice thing about it is it can be applied to a variety of alkali metals including Cesium. In the system I have designed I will purge the inner chamber through a ball valve with argon before igniting the mixture. After the mix has reacted fully I will continue to heat the retort until its about 759°C when the potassium will volatilize into the copper pipe and condense. The condenser will be kept at a temp of about 65-70°C via a recirculating heater keeping the K liquid and allowing it to collect in the mineral oil catch pan.

Conveniently this reaction is well bellow the melting point of my reaction vessel. I do however intend to plate the inside of my steel pipe with nickel to help reduce the corrosive effects of the hydroxide on the iron.

And now for the best part photos :cool::

Alkali.jpg - 81kB SANY0790.JPG - 477kB

Eclectic - 16-9-2010 at 14:04

I was curious about stability of copper to K or Na, but it looks like it may be can get stainless tubing at plumbing supply in 20 foot lengths, reasonable price. Or steel brake line.

K2CO3 and Mg might be more manageable?

[Edited on 9-16-2010 by Eclectic]

NERV - 16-9-2010 at 17:17

It probably would be, but K2CO3 is not nearly as available to me as KOH. And the reaction isn't that bad with potassium its fast but not really explosively according to the thread i mention above so I'm not to worried. I'd only be concerned if I needed Na, but lucky for me I have enough of that to last me for a long time:cool:.

Panache - 17-9-2010 at 05:57

so why not make the reaction vessel from stainless? Am i missing something?, in fact the entire thing could be stainless.

NERV - 17-9-2010 at 06:59

Well for one thing black steel is a lot cheaper than stainless, and plating it with Ni took me only about an hour.

metalresearcher - 17-9-2010 at 10:59


I just did my first attempt but despite heating the (small)vesselto 1100oC I saw no sodium in the oil.
In the meantime I bought steel tubing + caps like @NREV did. I think the vessel as I used it now was not completely sealed as Isaw bright yello flames (see in the video) in the furnace and a little white smoke (Na2O ?) appeared.
I think that the threaded parts are hard to seal .

Other ideas like stainless steel retort do not make much sense as SS is as weak as 'ordinary' steel and oxidizes as easily. The only real solution is using Ir, Re or W as vessel material but these metals cost thousands of $$$ per kilo. And graphite crucibles (which I have) can be a solution too but ... how to seal ???
I bet the facilities producing Na metal commercially by this process at the end of the 19th century used black steel as well.

Here a video of which I did this evening:


I was unable to unscrew the bend + tube from th vessel. So the only option was the .... angle grinder .

IMG_4130.JPG - 21kB

And here a closeup of the open cut vessel:

IMG_4129.JPG - 10kB

[Edited on 2010-9-17 by metalresearcher]

peach - 17-9-2010 at 11:55

Awwww shit.... and my 70amp 12vdc adjustable power supply turned up this morning as well. :P

A young guy into HAM radio donated it to the cause (science), on my birthday too! :D

There is a lot of stainless used for kitchenware / household items that is simply stamped, where precise wall tolerances, stress lines, welds and all the rest aren't an issue.

Maybe you could find something suitable digging around the local cheapo stores (e.g. I have a stainless steel toothbrush holder, a cup like thing, that cost next to nothing). Then nickel plate it for super duper corrosion resistance.

I'm not sure how you're going to oxidize the stainless with a reducing atmosphere inside it (unless you mean the outside).

Also, check the temperature on that spout coming out of the heating pot, you'll want the entire thing above the melting point of sodium. You'll probably also want to purge the pots with an inert gas prior to starting.

Bartlog is also correct about the temperature. People go on about "but jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel". It doesn't need to melt it when there's thousands of tons of building sat on top of it. Anyone who's held a long, long rod of steel knows it's like spaghetti even when it's cold. The steel will loose a gigantic amount of strength once it goes over something like 700 - 800C, from memory. If the 'jet fuel not hot enough' stuff was worth a single grain of salt, boeing would be making engines out of wrought iron. They actually make them out of monocrystalline titanium and other super alloys, and stainless. There's probably some reasoning behind that.

You should check out the videos for how they do the turbine and fan blades. Unbelievable stuff. The fan blades are actually hollow, and cost about £20 -30k or something, EACH.

As for vocoders, any tune that involves a vocoder is going to be a guaranteed hit with me.

"Just on the border of your waking mind
There lies... Another time
Where darkness & light are one
And as you tread the halls of sanity
You feel so glad to be
Unable to go beyond"


Left to right, a coffee filter, cocktail shaker (stirred will do), kitchen storage thingy (spices / sugar / flour), cups, 100% stainless thermos

I particularly like the drinks shaker and the storage thing. Both have friction fit lids and the walls are ready for heating (the shaker LOOKS like a crucible). They can all be found for very little money (the thermos was about £5 or something).

[Edited on 17-9-2010 by peach]

metalresearcher - 17-9-2010 at 12:38

Nise stainless stuff, but these are so thin (< 0.5mm) when heated to 1200oC they will be damaged easily, particularly when molten alkali (yes: Na2CO3 is an alkali !) is in it.
But of course SS is better when it has the same thickness as the iron tubing parts.

Up to the next Na making attempt !

peach - 18-9-2010 at 00:29

I bet one of these Chinese guys can get lids for graphite crucibles

Or someone on Alibaba

Riogrande also sell bottom gaskets for their investment casting crucibles that would work as a lid if you bought one bigger than the crucible and either pressed it on with weight somehow or had someone cut a groove into it with a lathe. You could probably cut the groove with a hand drill if you stuck a disc sanding disc backing pad in it and then the gasket to that.

Eclectic - 18-9-2010 at 03:50

peach - 18-9-2010 at 06:49

I was sure I saw one of the crucible companies in the UK doing lids at some point, Morgan (Salamander), but I can't see them on there now. If you're Europe / UK side, you could give them a ring.

The guys who do investment casting of jewellery and dental fixings are likely candidates I suspect, they usually have nice crucibles, but not the "How much did you say again?" end of nice.

{Edit}Are you in the UK? I thought DeWalt had made Bosch illegal in the US :P My last Bosch grinder actually died, early. And when I opened it up, I discovered it was 100% unserviceable, an odd thing for a German brand. I switched to a mondo 3hp DeWalt, that gets things moving alright. But the trigger switch also jams in the ON position when grit blows into it. 3HP, a few thousand RPM, mit blade and jammed ON. Hmm....

[Edited on 18-9-2010 by peach]

Formatik - 18-9-2010 at 13:33

Quote: Originally posted by metalresearcher  

I just did my first attempt but despite heating the (small)vesselto 1100oC I saw no sodium in the oil.

Well according to Gmelin, the thing about using Na2CO3 together with C is that it reduces only at white glow (which is something like 1500 C), though NaOH and C can be reacted at red glow, the reaction being: 4 NaOH + 2 C = Na2CO3 + 2 Na + 2 H2 + CO. I know molten NaOH at low red heat very strongly attacked a stainless steel bottle, in fact it ruined it. Maybe having a small bed of carbon or charcoal below and surrounding the reaction mixture could buffer some of this corrosive nature, by causing the NaOH to absorb.

Concerning some other mixtures: one reference notes reduction of Mg with Na2CO3 causes such a vigorous deflagration, so that this mixture is not even useful for the preparation of sodium (Cl. Winkler, Ber. 23 [1890] 46). But, heating Na2CO3 with aluminium powder also forms sodium, except here the reaction is said to occur very peacefully (L. Franck, Bl. Soc. Chim. [3] 11 [1894] 439). Some salts can cause a very dangerous reductions, like Na2SO4 as noted here.

Also, in the thermal preparation of potassium involving carbon and carbon compounds, hot potassium vapor can react with the CO gas to form a highly explosive compound (potassium hexahydroxybenzene, a.k.a. potassium benzenehexoxide or potassium carbonyl, milder conditions gets dipotassium ethynediolate). This explosion risk is also noted in the literature. I'm not sure of a similar hazard for sodium, that might be something to look into. Maybe not, since I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere. And the Encyclopaedia Britannica states: "Potassium reacts with carbon monoxide at temperatures as low as 60°C to form an explosive carbonyl (K6C6O6), a derivative of hexahydroxybenzene. Sodium is essentially nonreactive with carbon monoxide." Then Handwörten der Chemie by A. Ladenburg mentions that indeed no explosive compound is formed with sodium as opposed to potassium, so it does not unite with carbon monoxide.

I also noticed your apparatus does nothing to address suckback. Heating a mixture this high and reacting, could cause quite a suckback (NERV's schematic above does address suckback, flushing with inert gas).

Alternative to inert gas flush, maybe one could use the same kind of shut-off valve seen in NERV's picture, if you fix this as being part of the apparatus tubing that leads the metal away. Then closely monitoring the mineral oil level and as soon as a slight amount is sucked up (if it happens so graciously) the shut off valve is turned to close. Care would probably need to be taken so that oil is not sucked in and then it is closed, but that it is closed quickly before any can even enter the reaction vessel.

Quote: Originally posted by NERV  
Since KOH & Mg turnings are readily available to me this method is unmatched.

The reaction proceeds as follows:


This interaction between KOH and Mg is also described in Z. physik. chem. Unterricht 5 [1892], 146-152. This reference states the liberated hydrogen completely promotes the distillation of the potassium out of the mixture. They also say the reaction goes most peacefully by heating a mixture of the following until the beginning of glowing heat: 7 parts KOH, 3 parts Mg and 7 parts MgO in a glass or iron tube with a gas tube having a diameter of 15mm. I wouldn't use glass though for obvious reasons.

K2CO3 and Mg was less energetic than either Li2CO3 or Na2CO3, in a H2 stream all of the potassium can be completely distilled off, they noted some of that naughty compound formed in small amounts, especially the less Mg in the mixture there was, and in colder parts of the tubes CO and K unified to the same hazardous compound.

Attachment: Z.physik.chem.Unterricht 5 [1892],147.pdf (72kB)
This file has been downloaded 701 times

[Edited on 19-9-2010 by Formatik]

Eclectic - 18-9-2010 at 19:47

I'd go with Magnalum if it works, as it's easy to pulverise.

metalresearcher - 19-9-2010 at 02:59


The reaction *is* favorble @1100oC according to this site : fill in 1 mol Na2CO3 and 2 moles C and this was used commercially in the 19th century before that electrolysis of liquid NaOH or NaCl was more feasible.
I did address the suckback issue as I keep the level of the ducking tube less than 1cm below the oil level so when the retort sucks back it drags only the oil above this level and that is not enough to fill the entire tube to get into the hot vessel.

I just did my second attempt by using a sealed steel container (see the photo in my first post on top of in this topic) now I heated it more by using forces draft propane and within five minutes it got yellow hot which required dark goggles to see anything rather than yellow void which means as much the temperature is 1200-1300oC way enough to start the reaction. But what also happened is that I saw again bright yellow flames from the bottom of the vessel and then fumes escaping which required to wear a mouth mask as these fumes are probably Na2O.
When it did not react, no fumes can escape because Na2CO3 vaporizes at white heat @ 1600oC according to .
The bubbling in the oil bath stopped as well which means that venting took place from the vessel itself
Then I stopped the furnace and opened the furnace lid and took out the retort and saw this:

IMG_4131.JPG - 45kB

and a more detailed view:

IMG_4133.JPG - 49kB

which tells that the steel is probably chemically attacked by the liquid Na2CO3.
It was not hot enough to melt (which occurs @ 1500oC).

Next time: graphite crucibles glued together with stove kit ???
Or iridium / rhenium ???

[Edited on 2010-9-19 by metalresearcher]

Formatik - 19-9-2010 at 06:53

Quote: Originally posted by metalresearcher  

The reaction *is* favorble @1100oC according to this site : fill in 1 mol Na2CO3 and 2 moles C and this was used commercially in the 19th century before that electrolysis of liquid NaOH or NaCl was more feasible.

I take the literature's description over that site. They have been there and done the reaction. There are several other references also saying white heat. Enter "sodium carbonate white heat sodium metal" into google books to see some. It will not work.

Wiki does also mention the same temperature. I don't trust wiki, but do trust the cited Kirk Othmer. Though this is in conflict with quite a few references. Kirk Othmer is said to cite Deville. The Ausfuehrliches Lehrbuch der pharmazeutischen Chemie by E.A. Schmidt mentions St. Claire Deville distilled an intimate mixture of Na2CO3 (30 parts), CaCO3 (5 parts) added to facilitate reaction, and 13 parts charcoal distilled in wrought iron retorts at white glowing heat. The lowest temperature ranges I've seen for white glow is 1300 C to 1400 C. Though the original Deville references (could all be in French) would provide clearer details.

Though my point at mentioning it was it would be easier to use aluminium mixture with Na2CO3 (which also won't need as much heat) or the NaOH. NaOH will be a bit harder though, since Na2CO3 forms which needs the white heat to reduce. In the process itself, Na2CO3 was drawn off to avoid the higher temperatures.

Another mixture which needs higher heat than those (but not white heat): sodium borate (Na2B4O7.10 H2O) heated together with coke powder dehydrated at 600 C in a retort, this then gets heated to 1150 C where Na distills over; if the temperature rises to 1300 C, B2O3 also distills over. Heating the residue to 1600 C yields elemental B (Peacock, Waldo, AP1493126 [1921]).

[Edited on 19-9-2010 by Formatik]

Rogeryermaw - 20-9-2010 at 19:41

check out the last few pages of the phosphorus thread. i built a reactor and furnace much like these that may suit your needs. worked great for producing P4! the furnace is run on wood but that's variable. just change the water in the catch pan to mineral oil and away you go. if your having trouble sealing threads, use teflon tape. yes it will melt but it won't run out of the threads and it will maintain it's seal. if your reactor survives the process, you can just scrape it of and reapply.

[Edited on 21-9-2010 by Rogeryermaw]

Welded retorts are useless > 1000oC

metalresearcher - 21-9-2010 at 02:16

Thanks, but I cannot find the phpsphorus thread in this forum with the search option.
But I can imagine how it works as P4 can be made by distilling it off from heating Ca3(PO4)2 + charcoal + SiO2 in a similar terort to 1300oC (how did you do this in a wood fire ??).

Anyway, yesterday I did a third attempt but now with Al = Na2CO3 which (according to should yield Na vapor @ 900oC and higher.
But NO Na vapor appeared and I tried to prevent to heat the retort over 1200oC by keeping the propane flame very low, but what happened ?

Unlike the Na3CO3 + charcoal mix, no fumes appeared but bright yellow flames from the (welded) bottom of the retort and after cooling I saw holes (slag from the weld dissolved in liquid Na2CO3 ??) and the bottom of the furnace was glassy.
Maybe the slag holes in the weld are the result of my poor welding experience and/or the steel was zinc plated.
So the Na2CO3 leaked out but where is the aluminum gone ??

Next time I'll use a SEAMLESS retort with only a screw cap on the top.

[Edited on 2010-9-21 by metalresearcher]

Rogeryermaw - 21-9-2010 at 06:40 is where the retort design is pictured. look further to see the results of experimentation. the temps are easy to reach with forced air on a wood fire but the technique takes some practice. you have to periodically cycle the blower on and off. if you just let it run it can cool your retort by moving air over it.

[Edited on 21-9-2010 by Rogeryermaw]

peach - 21-9-2010 at 10:16

I'm right in the middle of trying to make sparkly glow in the dark paint, so I'll have to come back and reread the new bits more thoroughly later.

With the inert flush, as much as I like Nitrogen, Argon would probably be a good idea at such high temperatures. Helium would most definitely not be a good idea (it'll blow out quickly at those kinds of temperatures, and it costs a bomb).

You could give a nickel plating a try before going to the higher priced options. Len is using Nickel, albeit at significantly lower temperatures. He is also using a lot of current however.

If that's not good enough, plate the crucibles with something from the Platinum group. Iridium is a good idea (for those unsure, Iridium is better for this kind of thing because it can withstand huge temperatures and still not begin reacting, whilst also retaining it's strength; it's used in some ion gauges for vacuum work, where the gauge needs to remain close to perfect and tiny traces of atmosphere in the pumping down stages may begin creating skin oxides, and to prevent the gauge mechanically distorting / skewing when it gets hot).

Nickel is cheap enough to do the entire crucible from it. The platinums are going to make you bankrupt before you've heated anything. Plate the suckers on. The bulk material can act as the support, with the platinum group acting as the liner. If you're not stirring away or grinding things up in there and are gentle cleaning it out, the liner should remain in tip top condition for a good while. They use this same idea in high pressure reactors. Steel for the chamber, borosillicate / quartz / teflons for the liner (FEP, FPA, EFTE & PTFE are all almost identical in terms of their chemical resistance, but differ a little with regards to their electrical / mechanical / thermal processing properties).

If you need to use a pure platinum group metal for the entire crucible, the idea is out the window immediately versus Len's electro method, which is going to be far cheaper and it doesn't involve cylinders or thousands of degrees.

[Edited on 21-9-2010 by peach]

New try: no leaks anymore

metalresearcher - 21-9-2010 at 12:17

Here again I tried Na2CO3 + powdered charcoal:

Heated it till a bright yellow 1200-1300oC:

IMG_4143.JPG - 10kB

It appeared brighter than on the photo I needed dark goggles to view into the furnace and I saw the outside of the retort was covered with molten Fe3O4 due to the slightly oxidizing flame.
The oil bath remained bubbling and no fumes coming off the furnace. Then I stopped it after running 15 minutes and let it cool down. Now the welds kept sealed.
After cooling I tried to reopen the threaded knee but is was so tight that the only option was:

IMG_4145.JPG - 36kB

After applying the grinder here a detailed view of the outside retort (was a 3/4" steel tube with a bottom welded onto it). The damage due to oxidizing is clearly visible.
After opening up I saw some unreacted stuff at the top of the retort, due to the narrowness of the retort.

IMG_4146.JPG - 45kB

Here a detail of looking into the condensing pipe into the oil bath. Possible some tiny amounts of metallic sodium might be there.

IMG_4149.JPG - 26kB

So I filled it with water. I did not see a reaction but I heard a very little bubbling probably due to reaction of a few milligrams of Na with water.

The next time I will use a wider steel tube which is not zinc plated (easier to weld) and thus a larger amount of mixture in it.

Formatik - 22-9-2010 at 14:40

Quote: Originally posted by metalresearcher  
Unlike the Na3CO3 + charcoal mix, no fumes appeared but bright yellow flames from the (welded) bottom of the retort and after cooling I saw holes (slag from the weld dissolved in liquid Na2CO3 ??) and the bottom of the furnace was glassy.
Maybe the slag holes in the weld are the result of my poor welding experience and/or the steel was zinc plated.

The aluminium mixture is much more reactive. It does not need any of the same type of heat as charcoal for sure. The bright yellow flame from the bottom (no flames should be shooting out of the bottom of the container, it suggests too much air is in your apparatus). The flames are due either to the nature of the deflagration of the mixture (since it is a more reactive redox mixture), or carbon monoxide which is combusting, possibly alongside combusting sodium vapor (air in there: if you don't have a lot of mixture and the apparatus is airtight, then inert gas flush could help - argon or nitrogen are indeed good choices).

So the Na2CO3 leaked out but where is the aluminum gone ??

The reaction may be: 3 Na2CO3 + 4 Al = 2 Al2O3 + 3 CO + 6 Na. So if you can't see any grey aluminium, I'd assume it converted to Al2O3.

Quote: Originally posted by peach  
With the inert flush, as much as I like Nitrogen, Argon would probably be a good idea at such high temperatures. Helium would most definitely not be a good idea (it'll blow out quickly at those kinds of temperatures, and it costs a bomb).

Nitrogen works excellent though, I think everyone has been falling back on argon because of the thought alkali might combine with the nitrogen to form a nitride at higher temperatures. Most don't. Guernsey and Sherman (J. Am. Soc. 47 [1925] 1933) couldn't establish nitride formation by heating sodium with regular nitrogen to: 800 C to 1000 C, not even in the presence of catalysts, like Fe. Sodium, potassium, rubidium, and caesium don't react when heated with nitrogen. Lithium does react when heated with nitrogen however, forming the nitride. More references on all this can be found in Gmelin.

Fleaker - 22-9-2010 at 17:08

Quote: Originally posted by peach  
I'm right in the middle of trying to make sparkly glow in the dark paint, so I'll have to come back and reread the new bits more thoroughly later.

With the inert flush, as much as I like Nitrogen, Argon would probably be a good idea at such high temperatures. Helium would most definitely not be a good idea (it'll blow out quickly at those kinds of temperatures, and it costs a bomb).

You could give a nickel plating a try before going to the higher priced options. Len is using Nickel, albeit at significantly lower temperatures. He is also using a lot of current however.

If that's not good enough, plate the crucibles with something from the Platinum group. Iridium is a good idea (for those unsure, Iridium is better for this kind of thing because it can withstand huge temperatures and still not begin reacting, whilst also retaining it's strength; it's used in some ion gauges for vacuum work, where the gauge needs to remain close to perfect and tiny traces of atmosphere in the pumping down stages may begin creating skin oxides, and to prevent the gauge mechanically distorting / skewing when it gets hot).

Nickel is cheap enough to do the entire crucible from it. The platinums are going to make you bankrupt before you've heated anything. Plate the suckers on. The bulk material can act as the support, with the platinum group acting as the liner. If you're not stirring away or grinding things up in there and are gentle cleaning it out, the liner should remain in tip top condition for a good while. They use this same idea in high pressure reactors. Steel for the chamber, borosillicate / quartz / teflons for the liner (FEP, FPA, EFTE & PTFE are all almost identical in terms of their chemical resistance, but differ a little with regards to their electrical / mechanical / thermal processing properties).

If you need to use a pure platinum group metal for the entire crucible, the idea is out the window immediately versus Len's electro method, which is going to be far cheaper and it doesn't involve cylinders or thousands of degrees.

[Edited on 21-9-2010 by peach]

We need to stop this iridium and platinum metal talk! First off, an iridium retort, if such a thing EVER existed, would cost the equivalent of dozens of tons of potassium or sodium. The cost would be in fabrication. Ever melted it? I have and it's not fun! Also, you're free to try plating it. We hobbyists can barely plate an adherent platinum layer! Your best bet would just be to use nickel and flush it out with argon. You don't need or want platinum or its sister metals.

Nickel is the obvious, cheap choice. Copper would also probably work half decent. Plate it with nickel. Nickel is what's used for cost effective alkali fusions. Otherwise it's Zr, Ag, or Au.

Satan - 23-9-2010 at 02:03

For high temperature work I made this metal flask, and for sealing threads and space between upper and lower portion of flask I used sodium silicate paste with some filler (rated to 1350 C).

When welding galvanized steel, you will poison yourself without proper ventilation. Zinc catches on fire, and there is cadmium in fumes from this smoking flame (old welder told me that). To weld such steel soak galvanized parts in dilute acid for one day (or to the point when hydrogen is no longer seen bubbling).

In one post there was mentioned teflon for use in sealing threads... For such temperatures its foolish, go read on decomposition products of teflon and how long those nasty substances stay in your system (years!).

flask.JPG - 21kB

metalresearcher - 23-9-2010 at 02:39

I am thinking about something similar, but with no screws and nuts as at > 1200oC lots of Fe3O4 scale destroy the threads .BTW small zinc plated steel I heat to red hot until no fumes appear anymore. I do this outdoors upwind or in the fume hood, but the idea of diluted H2SO4 might be good (does this not dissolve the steel as well ?).
Even 3/4" thread gets unusable when heated to over 1200oC.

I think about a steel pipe (wider than the 3/4" I used) with a flat bottom welded onto it with a 90 degree knee as i your picture above it.

Yesterday I cut through the narrow pipe retort with Na2CO3 + Al which I used earlier this week with the angle grinder and I found that on (the cooler) top of the pipe were pieces of Al metal . So parts of the mixture left unreacted due to clogging the pipe.
Hence the larger diameter.

peach - 23-9-2010 at 06:34

If you're referring to any post I've made about using Teflon for threads, that's for sealing bottles. The stuff is going to melt at less than a quarter of the temperature you're interested in. The fumes are hydrofluoric acid, which is most certainly worthy of a toxic sticker (as it not only blisters, not toxic on it's own, it systemically rots calcium out of your nervous system / bones / mucles etc).

Zinc fumes, there's actually a thing called 'welders flue', or 'metal workers flue' which is named after what the guys feel after inhaling too much of it. Like they have a bad cold.

I'm dissolving zinc right now as part of my glow paint endeavor, the casings of zinc based batteries. I've been experimenting with using different concentrations and sitting it in boiling 95-98% sulphuric. By far the easiest is to drop the zinc in some battery acid and leave it for a day or more.

The iron in the casings isn't as reactive as the zinc, so it tends to get left floating on the surface. Particularly if I use a little less acid than I actually need to dissolve the zinc in the first place.

With all these seizing threads, rotting, agreeing with fleaker about the cost and effort of platinums, I would suggest you upgrade to at least stainless over the iron / steel.

There are quite a few places online selling high quality stainless 'black pipe' style ranges; as opposed to Swagelock, which costs a fortune and is aimed more at gas work.

Here's an example of one. Of interest is that they sell prethreaded, large ID, fairly long pipe nipples that can be used as is for the hot pot. There are, of coarse, a number of others selling these fittings that may be a lot cheaper. E.g. the sand cast versions from China. These pipes are designed to deal with high pressures. You don't need that, so a cheaper version likely won't cause many problems. As fleaker also suggests, nickel plate the entire bastard if it keeps oxidizing / causing problems.

Rogeryermaw - 23-9-2010 at 08:51

ya teflon can be nasty agreed. however the results i have had with it have justified its use for me. all the work i have done with it has been outdoors in a fairly large furnace and it has served its purpose very well. zinc isn't a lot worse than many other metal fumes. the vapors of burning metals will all kill you at high enough concentrations. it's always advisable to have good ventilation or perform work of this nature outside. even just burning l.p. gas can get you from exhaust fumes if the combustion is not perfect. i won't let any of this scare me away from experimentation. all i can hope is that if i die from my work, it serves to help someone else.

metalresearcher - 23-9-2010 at 10:43

Read many posts from you all, thanks for that, but is there anyone who really used the retort setup ?
I am curious about experiences on steel retorts (or what their remains are) after heating to temps over 1000oC.

Saturday I'll build a new one to this design:

retortv2.0.sketch.png - 33kB

[Edited on 2010-9-23 by metalresearcher]

Rogeryermaw - 23-9-2010 at 11:36

well i don't have a way to know exactly what temp i'm reaching but the pipe i have used in the furnace gets bright yellow. i'm using 1" EMT pipe flattened and welded at one end and a 4" 3/4 rigid nipple welded into the other end. the whole assembly is about 14" long. i have actually been able to use a couple of them on multiple runs to produce phosphorus with the NaPO3 + Al + SiO2 method. so far the only limiting factor has been getting slag out of the reactor so i could use it again. it may be that your mixture is eating holes in your reactor?

i wonder if you ran this reaction without silicon dioxide would it yield aluminum phosphate and sodium? or would sodium's higher reactivity stop any reaction from proceeding at all?

[Edited on 23-9-2010 by Rogeryermaw]

[Edited on 23-9-2010 by Rogeryermaw]

It is very difficult to make the retort airtight

metalresearcher - 25-9-2010 at 08:49

I got some 2" black steel tubes from a scrap yard, so I tried the design as sketched in my previous post. I welded a top and bottom onto it and a 1/2: knee on the top (after dezincking the knee as it was galvanized.
Then I filled the retort with Na3CO3 + C but the result was .....

Leaking welds on the top of the retort. It is very hard to make the seams airtight (read: sodium vapor tight).
In the picture below the yellow flame of the leak is clearly to see. And the oil stopped bubbling. So I stopped the furnace and let it cool down and will reweld the seams.

@Rogerywemaw: how did you keep the P4 making setup airtight ?

Na-escaping-from-retort.jpg - 38kB

[Edited on 2010-9-25 by metalresearcher]

Rogeryermaw - 25-9-2010 at 13:40

Quote: Originally posted by metalresearcher  

@Rogerywemaw: how did you keep the P4 making setup airtight ?

i would have to say a mixture of luck and experience. i have been welding for over 20 years. plus, at the threaded sections, people will tell you that teflon is dangerous and bla bla bla but it works. just don't stand there and huff the fumes. the results speak for themselves. the way i'm using it i don't think it's vaporizing because after the pipe cools i can peel the old teflon out in one big piece and reapply it.

i also don't think it's that important to remove the zinc unless it will react with your product. burning zinc makes some nasty fumes but if you're working outside (your videos show you working outside) then just stay upwind from your work area. that's what i do. i may have shortened my lifespan but i'm still here!

[Edited on 25-9-2010 by Rogeryermaw]

Formatik - 25-9-2010 at 14:30

Zinc will alloy sodium at red-glow according to literature.

Smaller scale attempt no leaking anymore

metalresearcher - 26-9-2010 at 10:59

Now I performed a smaller scale test by just using a 15mm steel tube (1/2" inner diameter) of 30cm long which I bent 90 degrees in the center and squeezed together on one site which I welded together. Then I filled it with Na2CO3 + C so it just filled on the closed side of the bend. So no threads or other welds anymore which can leak...

I put this closed end into a furnace and the open end in a beaker with motor oil. Then I heated the furnace to 1200oC and saw bubbling in the oil. Furthermore I saw some precipitation in the oil which I will investigate later.
No leaks appeared as I did not see any sodium yellow flames coming from the bright yellow hot mini retort (bottom right picture: the bright object top right in the picture is the retort).

I think that the retort of the test yesterday leaked because of the poor welds.

@Rogermeryaw: you are probably a professional welder I am not as I waste 8 electrodes with 100 anp to weld 2 steel plates on both sides of a 2" steel tube. I feel embarrassed that my welds are such a poor quality....

Na-attempt-20100926.jpg - 91kB

UPDATE : After one hour the precipitation settled at the bottom of the beaker with oil and below a picture of the bottom of the beaker:
Probably no sodium metal but I don't know what the white subsance is.

UPDATE AGAIN: I peeled some substance out of the retort tube and dropped it in water. Yes some bubbling appeared !!!
Then I poured some water in the tube and it started bubbling and hissing and a yellow spark appeared .

But it was frozen in the tube before reaching the oil bath. So I have to preheat the tube a bit more, over 98oC (Na 's melting point).

IMG_4171.JPG - 43kB

[Edited on 2010-9-26 by metalresearcher]

Rogeryermaw - 26-9-2010 at 11:22

Quote: Originally posted by metalresearcher  

@Rogermeryaw: you are probably a professional welder I am not as I waste 8 electrodes with 100 anp to weld 2 steel plates on both sides of a 2" steel tube. I feel embarrassed that my welds are such a poor quality....

[Edited on 2010-9-26 by metalresearcher]

professional no but passionate yes. i started as a child in school and just sort of had an affinity for it. by my third year in industrial metals in high school i was teaching the first year students (wish i still had my old year books! had some pics of me teaching on the oxy-acetylene rig)
do not ever be embarrassed by your attempts. it's a lot more than many people ever do in their whole lives. besides, i burned a lot of metal learning the finesse it takes woo it into doing what you want.

[Edited on 26-9-2010 by Rogeryermaw]

peach - 26-9-2010 at 13:33

MR, make sure your metal is as clean as you can get it, that the rods aren't the ultra cheap crappy kind and that the welder can dump enough current through to get it going properly.

To clean things, use an abrasive disc, a sanding disc or a twisted wire wheel cup. All three in an angle grinder, clean just prior to welding so it can't recontaminate in the meantime. If you put a 75mm sized wire cup in a 3hp angle grinder, it'll annihilate anything on contact and the finish will look polished to a mirror, without grinding the metal down. And, they squeeze into all the gaps, unlike a disc. But you seriously need a face shield, as they spit bits of wire out all the time (EYES).

Cheap electrodes won't flux / ignite properly. A guy I used to work for bought 4, 5kg boxes of some that were being thrown out from somewhere. They were being thrown out for a reason, they were horrible. I've also stick welded with nice 316's and the quality is superb, without even trying it can look like it's been done with a TIG torch and needed years of experience.

The current is another issue. Theoretically, the arc is hot enough to melt the puddle properly. In practice, if there's not a good amount of current happening, it'll run too cold, end up brittle, not properly stuck etc. Whilst working for that guy, I told him I'd found a 400amp DC TIG set for £150. He was laughing and telling me I hadn't. Then I turned up the next day with it and he spent the entire week trying to bargain it back off me (it was a Thermal Arc, the purple ones). I managed to burn out the industrial, 3 phase wire fuses in the workshop by turning it up.

If you need to, 'cheat'. Use a stick of wood or something to guide the stick in a smooth, constant line. They do it industrially so...

That aside, CONGRADULATIONS on finally getting something that looks right, you've certainly persevered and rapidly as well.

I have a question. Are those normal house building thermo blocks you're using as insulation? Have you got much experience with using them for that? And how well do they hold up?

I have some real high content alumina refractory. It's incredibly tough to cut and is used to line the ladles in iron foundries (so it has the maximum temperature rating available for regular, ceramic type refractories). But it also has fairly poor insulating properties. It's used to get the temperature down to the point where another liner, on the outside, can block the rest of the heat. I've often wondered about, but not tried, using those thermo blocks as an outer liner for the alumina stuff.

Len has informed us, helpfully, that regular glass wool melts around 800C, so that's another possibility.

I've heard that things like those blocks gradually fall apart over repeated high temperature runs. True, false, how true?

75mm £4, 100mm £7. Used 230mm (9"), 1800W+ (2.5 - 3hp) Makita grinder... there's one on eBay for 99p at the moment.

[Edited on 26-9-2010 by peach]

Rogeryermaw - 26-9-2010 at 14:45

a couple of notes: if you are using an arc welder with adjustable currents then you may want to look up a table with regards to current usage based on metal composition and thickness. also your technique will be the overall judge of the quality of your welds. don't hover too long in one spot or you can weaken the metal and even burn right through it. the industrial method for producing pretty welds is to use a half circle pattern about 1/4 inch wide. slower on the bottom half of the circle, left to right then quickly pass over the weld back to the starting point, drop down 1/4 inch and start your next half circle ect. ect. this technique is mainly for heavier metals quarter inch thick or more. for the thinner stuff you have to move faster because it vaporizes pretty fast.

Rogeryermaw - 26-9-2010 at 16:43

Congratulations MetalResearcher! any plans for a scaled up design? do you think the furnace i used for phosphorus would work well for this? Sodium is another one of those elements that, while being very useful, is under lock and key by the powers. thanks for your perseverance in this project. keep up the good work and let us know what developments you make. you know my interest in sodium so i can't wait to give this a try!

cyanureeves - 26-9-2010 at 18:15

good welding advice. you do have to clean and grind down welds to expose wagon tracks(air pockets)and reweld.damn this thread was exciting as heck.i wanted to shout..monel..inconel.congrats.

metalresearcher - 26-9-2010 at 23:01

@peach :
I do have such a steel brush as pictured in your post for my angle grinder, but I didn't use it yet for cleaning the welds, but is is a good idea. Now I hand brushed it with a steel wire brush.
About the insulating bricks: it is YTONG indoor wall which are available for $3-$5 for a 60x20x7cm block. It is very cheap and amazingly good insulating and can withstand up till 1400oC. Then it weakens to a pudding like substance.
A furnace like this gets 1300oC within 15 minutes starting from a cold furnace. So the furmace can be reused more than ten times when you don't heat it over 1400oC.
When using forced draft with a $10 air mattress inflater it gets even hotter with less propane consumption.

@Rogeryermaw :
I already use this 'zig-zag' method, but sometimes I see slag inclusions which tend to leak. That is the reason my rod consumption is so high: I 'repair' these leaks after testing by immersing the retort in water and then applying air pressure on it by a bike pump and then I still see bubbles appear .....

Upscaling: only when I get the retort COMPLETELY AIRTIGHT, so I have to overcome the welding issues.
First I am going to make K as it freezes at lower temp (63oC) and has a higher vapor pressure (bp 767oC).

Thanks for your tips !

One final question: I use motor oil for capturing the Na metal but there is a fire hazard so close to a hot furnace. Can I also use the non-flammable vegetable oil ? Or does these fatty acids(?) react with Na or K ?

peach - 27-9-2010 at 10:12

Not sure about the fatty acids thing, but it may be an idea to stick with the motor oil.

I'd start bumping the safety up by simply putting a loose fitting lid over the oil. Provided it doesn't start to boil, the lid should help smother it if it catches.

Fire blankets are sometimes a lot cheaper than extinguishers, particularly if they're a bit grubby. Grubbiness only hurts their wall hanging appeal, the blanket still works. One of those would help if everything goes tit's up; so you can throw it over.

I'd also FIRMLY fix that can of oil somehow, so it can't topple. Oil fires are, of coarse, not fun at all.

I was having a read about salt earlier, and discovered regular table salt is actually the primary ingredient in powder fire extinguishers (or some of them anyway), with some other very easy to get things. The salt smothers the fire, simples. Speaking of oil fires, I wonder if we could make an SM recipe of powder to throw over them.

The cost of commercial powder extinguishers is the cylinder, pressurization and subsequent standardization; it has to sit for a decade and then be usable by a complete noob who's never read the back of one, instantly, and from a long distances. A 'throw it by hand' method may not be much more than the cost of a bucket of salt.

[Edited on 27-9-2010 by peach]

watson.fawkes - 27-9-2010 at 10:53

Quote: Originally posted by peach  
Not sure about the fatty acids thing, but it may be an idea to stick with the motor oil.

I'd start bumping the safety up by simply putting a loose fitting lid over the oil. Provided it doesn't start to boil, the lid should help smother it if it catches.
Oil only starts a fire if it gets hot enough so that its vapor pressure is significant. So don't let it get hot. Make that lid an insulating lid, say, a piece of metal stuck to an insulating firebrick with construction adhesive. Put a heat sink on the side of the oil can to keep it cool. Or, once you scale up, running cooling coil through the oil like moonshiner.

peach - 27-9-2010 at 12:03

Heatsink / water cooling ideas are good and simple to incorporate. Although, I'd go with the heatsink one over the water, since the latter could easily make things exponentially worse if something goes wrong (see; Mythbusters, kitchen fires)

The flash point of typical motor oil seems to be around 200C (400F). A number of solders melt around that temperature, so a simple, cheap way to watch for it is to stick a bit of solder wire on the tin and look out for it going liquid. Rest it at sloping angle and it'll run from one place to the other, making it easier to see.

The metal processing guys often do something similar, with sample blocks of clean metals to judge the temperature reliably. There are also a number of crayons you can get to write on blocks. The crayon melts when it's hit that temperature, which is handy for annealing / tempering (not the same thing) and so on. If you watch videos of them making steel ingots etc, you'll sometimes see them scribbling on the blocks with things like this, whilst they're steaming hot.

Medical units can buy bags with similar things built in, that read STERILIZED when they've been cooked in the autoclave for the correct amount of time.

Going yet more off topic, they do something similar with gamma ray processing. Stick tags to the pallets to check they've been dosed correctly.

Temperature indicating crayons, from 40 to 1200C in 120 steps at 1% accuracy

[Edited on 27-9-2010 by peach]

metalresearcher - 27-9-2010 at 12:13

Good ideas !
Now I made two other small scale retort pipes one of them (the middle in the picture below labeled 'Na') was used before with the larger retort last Saturday. At that experiment Na vapor was leaking from the retort.
Now I heated it to red hot in the middle to bend and after heating I quenched it in water and what happened .....?
Hissing and bright yellow sparks appearing and pops with a yellow flash which was clearly that sodium metal wast still in the tube (despite the tube was lying for two days in open air and a part of it heated to red hot shortly before).

A made a new one from the same tube (labeled 'K' on top of the picture) which I will use for K2CO3 + C for making potassium metal.

IMG_4172.JPG - 74kB

peach - 27-9-2010 at 15:23

Now is the time to up the care level, as it sounds like you're on the way to a lump, possibly of special K. ;)

metalresearcher - 28-9-2010 at 10:39

Just found a solution for the oil capture :I use a 32mm (1 1/4") test tube filled with motor oil in which the condensing tube is partly immersed. Due to the narrow nature of the test tube the suckback issue is addressed as well.
It fits any 15mm outer diameter steel tube regardless for very small scale or much larger scale. The test tube holder has an adjustable height.

test-tube-capture.jpg - 59kB

Rogeryermaw - 28-9-2010 at 10:59

nice work! that should definitely address any stability issue with your receiver and hopefully protect you from the worst of your possible fire hazards. you've been working like a man possessed!

peach - 28-9-2010 at 11:34

That's a smart bit of thinking, particularly the holder on the bottom with the adjustable height. Elegant, simple, effective. ;)

{edit}Stick a small computer fan on there pointing at the bottom of the tube?{edited}

[Edited on 28-9-2010 by peach]

metalresearcher - 28-9-2010 at 12:29

Thanks for your comments. I tested it and it worked fine. Now I tried potassium now with K2CO3 + C but the bottom of the retort got overheated / attacked / melted ????
On the right there is the weld, I saw it nearly white hot in the furnace what happened ??
Melting cannot occur as steel melts @ 1500oC, but to be honest I was rather close due to the blinding light yellow glow ....
I can peek my S thermocouple into the chamber but temperature is VERY HARD to measure. When the moving air in the chamber i, sday, 1300oC then the steel can differ more than 100 degrees.

What do you guys think about the damage to the retort ?

Tomorrow a next try.

IMG_4183.JPG - 46kB

Magpie - 28-9-2010 at 13:19

Caustic embrittlement? Maybe it's time for stainless steel, or other high nickel alloy.

peach - 28-9-2010 at 13:49

The melting thing goes back to the jet fuel and 9/11 thing. The melting point is where it's going to flow like a liquid, but it'll be warping and drooping before that even under it's own weight.

With the precise temperature control being difficult with fire involved, it's equally possible a hot spot appeared on the steel and it's melted.

I'd skip all the wondering and fiddling with variables and go straight to something like 316 now. The guys who do exhaust systems may be able to get some higher grade stainless as off cuts for experimenting with.

Avoid drawn stainless tubing. It's going to cost a fortune and the drawn nature isn't necessary at lower pressures.

Panache - 28-9-2010 at 17:10

this may be yet another stupid question but instead of trying to seal the end of a pipe why not just have a pipe bent into a tight u with both ends entering the oil and the rxn mixture packed into the u-section in the furnace?

Also the virtue of stainless is not its inertness at those temps however it's mechanical strength. if you find a scrap yard near a university with a decent engineering department they always have annealed tube offcuts, these annealed seamless pieces can be readily bent far more easily than steel, once bent they can't be unbent though.

Fantastic thread btw

[Edited on 29-9-2010 by Panache]

metalresearcher - 29-9-2010 at 11:31

Good idea that U-tube, as I have destroyed two squeezed-end-tubes tonight with the same leaking issue at the weld at the squeeze.

Panache - 29-9-2010 at 15:29

Quote: Originally posted by metalresearcher  
Good idea that U-tube, as I have destroyed two squeezed-end-tubes tonight with the same leaking issue at the weld at the squeeze.

Sweet! (pumps fist in air), unfortunately, now encouraged, i'm sure to spit out hundreds of useless stupid ideas chasing that feeling.

bbartlog - 29-9-2010 at 16:31

Melting cannot occur as steel melts @ 1500oC

But you have carbon in your tube. And once the carbon content of steel reaches two percent, you're entering cast iron territory (mp: 1100C or thereabouts). With various intermediates between, of course. It sounds to me like the carbon is diffusing into the steel and lowering the melting point. Nickel plating the inside of the vessel (assuming it's practical) should help this problem.

metalresearcher - 29-9-2010 at 22:53

But nickel also absorbs carbon... and nickel plating steel is not a simple job .....
The best option is chrome steel (ANSI 430) but that is hard to get in tubing .....
So for me the only option is using thicker walled plain steel tubes without weld or threaded seams.

metalresearcher - 1-10-2010 at 12:13

Next attempt: I tried the U-tube , thanks to @Panache.
I bent a 15mm pipe and filled it with the rxn mxture Na2CO3 + 2C a little bit more C than stoiciometrically requirfed (weight ratio Na2CO3 : C = 106 : 24) to remove the last traces of oxygen in the vessel. I had a receiver made from a glass jar of which the top half is cut off.
I had to tap with a hammer to the tube to ensure the mixture gets in the U.

IMG_4189.JPG - 80kB

Then I put the stuff into the furnace and protected the oil bath with a piece of Fermacell fire retardant board with some pieces of Rockwool roof isulation on it. Here the setup except the lid of the furnace.

IMG_4191.JPG - 67kB

After a few minutes the oil began to bubble heavily and sodium colored flames appeared above the Fermacell board and the tubes got yello hot so I had to lower the flame.

IMG_4199.JPG - 68kB

But despite all these measures, the oil caught fire. I put some Rockwool blankets over the receiver Then I saw what I feared: ywellow flames and white fumes from the furnace and looking inside I saw bright yellow flames coming from the hotetst part of the U. The 9/11 effect: overheating steel even without seams it collapsed under its own weight like the Twin Towers.
Now the oil is still cooling and I am curious whether some sodium is there......

This WAS the retort ....

IMG_4202.JPG - 70kB

As seen here it is clearly MELTED .....

I googled many times to search how commercial production took place by the end of the 19th century.They also used this approach. As there was no stainless steel at that time what did they use for the vessel ??

Later on I poured some water into it and this happened .....

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

[Edited on 2010-10-2 by metalresearcher]

peach - 1-10-2010 at 13:36

Looks like you have sodium there.

Nightinhawk, a guy on youtube who's fireworks cracky, has had a lot of luck with the NaOH / Mg thermite style pot method.

There are a lot of variables in the retort. If you're not going with upgrading the steel yet, I would suggest knocking the atmosphere out as a variable altogether, by purging it with argon. If you don't already have it, or use it on a regular basis, or have a neighbour who can donate his cylinder for a few minutes, it may be cheaper and easier to change the steel.

In the olden days, I expect they managed by dealing with low yields, tons of fiddling and a lot of care. Knowing the olden dayzers, they were probably using very thick walled tubing too.

I seriously think you should upgrade to stainless. There are grades specifically designed to retain their strength at high temperatures, for use in jet engines. I'm sure it's possible with lesser materials if they were doing it all the way back then, but those were their particle accelerators at the time. The stainless will be more expensive, but not by any significant amount compared to the high purity crucibles and platinums.

Surely you must be getting tired by now of seeing those things seize up / melt? The tiredness and your time has a price as well.

A fairly obvious warning that I doubt you need, but be careful adding water from something like a cup or watering can. I've seen one guy do the same in one of these videos and the sodium spat back at him, and got him. If you suddenly make a break through, there could be a lump of it trapped in the tube, which may then explode when the watering can method is applied.

My own silly story along those lines... I was melting lead water mains pipe in a pan buried in a fire. I knew there was water still on it because I could hear the violent boiling as I added them and they melted. One of them didn't play along and, with the bore acting as a barrel, shot molten lead 12ft across the garden in a shotgun effect. Luckily, I was siding to the side of it when that happened. But that's only boring old lead.

I don't know how true it is, but I've heard stories from people running industrial induction melters that have mentioned something to do with the load being incorrect, or the power supply, and the magnetic activity actually shotgunning the charge vertically back out. :D

<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1"></param>& lt;param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>

<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1"></param>& lt;param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>

[Edited on 1-10-2010 by peach]

metalresearcher - 1-10-2010 at 22:37

Quote: Originally posted by peach  
Looks like you have sodium there.

Nightinhawk, a guy on youtube who's fireworks cracky, has had a lot of luck with the NaOH / Mg thermite style pot method.

I know this video I'll have to try it yet, get sink cleaner as a source for NaOH.

Quote: Originally posted by peach  
I seriously think you should upgrade to stainless.

I am already considering this, first finding a steel workshop here in the neighborhood where they process SS tubes of 1/2".
I think bending can only be done while hot (which I already do with the ordinary steel tubes).

Quote: Originally posted by peach  

A fairly obvious warning that I doubt you need, but be careful adding water from something like a cup or watering can. I've seen one guy do the same in one of these videos and the sodium spat back at him, and got him. If you suddenly make a break through, there could be a lump of it trapped in the tube, which may then explode when the watering can method is applied.
My own silly story along those lines... I was melting lead water mains pipe in a pan buried in a fire. I knew there was water still on it because I could hear the violent boiling as I added them and they melted.

When doing this I wore a face mask for the reasons you mension. I am experiences with metal melting , not lead but copper silver and gold, which are much hotter. Once I had an explosion when pouring gold in a metal mold which I thought it was moisture free. Luckily I wore a face mask and the mold was placed in a wok so all gold particles could be collected and nothing was lost.

peach - 1-10-2010 at 22:46

Try asking at the garages who do exhaust repairs. Some of them may be able to get stainless for fancy manifolds. I saw the guys making one at a metal fabrication place I did my work experience at in my teens, and their primary product was oil storage tanks for industrial heaters, ladders and beer keg carts. ;)

Provided the wall thickness of the stainless is low, it shouldn't need heating. Swagelock is high purity stainless, and can be bent quite easily into complex tubing arrays. The Kurt ?Schreckling? guy who wrote "How to build gas turbine" bends the blades on the Inconel turbine blank with a little tool that looks exactly like a tap & handle, but with a slot in the end for the blade rather than a screw thread.

Hottest thing I've melted and cast? Aluminium. I was originally going for iron but then the garage needed knocking down and rebuilding from the foundations up.

Still got the iron contact capable refractory though, so it's probably in the works. The only reason I'd be interested in iron and those temperatures is a bit of artistic casting and machine tools. But the latter requires specific control of things like the carbon and the way it comes out on cooling down to produce a casting that isn't a pile of rubbish. As you probably know, there are many, many different cast iron structures in terms of the form the carbon deposits in. The right ones last forever, the wrong ones fracture on cooling.

[Edited on 2-10-2010 by peach]

metalresearcher - 2-10-2010 at 02:36

The problem when bending the tubes is that they flatten or get very kinky at the bend location. A plumber's pipe bender (local hardware shop $50) can resolve this problem but the radius is too large to fit the U in a furnace.
EDIT: I just found by Google an interesting article on tube bending:

[Edited on 2010-10-2 by metalresearcher]

watson.fawkes - 2-10-2010 at 05:22

Quote: Originally posted by metalresearcher  
EDIT: I just found by Google an interesting article on tube bending:
A old-timer trick for bending is to pack the tube with sand first. The sand has to stay put and not slough out under pressure, so that means sealing the ends, too. For that, a wood plug screwed into the side of the tube suffices.

Rogeryermaw - 2-10-2010 at 05:26

Quote: Originally posted by metalresearcher  
The problem when bending the tubes is that they flatten or get very kinky at the bend location. A plumber's pipe bender (local hardware shop $50) can resolve this problem but the radius is too large to fit the U in a furnace.
EDIT: I just found by Google an interesting article on tube bending:

[Edited on 2010-10-2 by metalresearcher]

look up a hickey bender. they are made for bending tight radius or unusual bends. don't know what they would call it in germany but they can produce much tighter bend than a normal pipe bender. ya i know it sounds weird but it's no joke. i have experience with them. i have run so much electrical conduit i still have dreams about it.....

not sure exactly what bend radius you can produce but it may help with your kinking problem.

[Edited on 2-10-2010 by Rogeryermaw]

metalresearcher - 2-10-2010 at 06:35

@watson.fawkes :
Your sand-filling trick seems to work ! I bought 2 kg of bird cage sand at a pet supply shop for only $2. I squeezed the tube at one end, filled it with sand and hammered firmly a wooden slat about 3cm, completely filling the diameter, into the other end and sawed the wood off. Then I bent it (heard the sand crackling) and the result was considerably less flattening, wrinkles and kinks.

peach - 2-10-2010 at 14:28

Yep, I know of the sand trick also.

Plumbers use a big spring that goes in the pipe and does a similar thing, stops it kinking in on it's self. The sand works better because it's finer and makes more contact, so it spreads the load and stops it collecting in points as wrinkles and kinks.

They use ice for bending the pipes on brass instruments. Fill with water, freeze, bend, let it melt out, for a super smooth wrinkle free result.

To expand the tubes to have them tightly mate with each other for joining, they push a slightly too large BB into the pipe, then force it through by pushing slightly smaller ones in behind it. The big one, obviously, stretches the pipe.

Plumbers have expanding hand tools that push into the end of the pipe, the grips are squeezed and a reverse collet type thingymehjiggy opens the pipe a bit for soldering. Saves buying more preformed joints and cuts down the number of joints. The fewer joints you have, the quicker the work gets finished.... :P

It's possible squirty expanding foam may work as a replacement for ice, but it'll be more prone to collapse I expect. And it'll be a bitch to clean out by comparison.

[Edited on 2-10-2010 by peach]

Rogeryermaw - 2-10-2010 at 15:01

there is also a spreader tool that a/c guys use that looks like a series of progressively larger cones stacked on top of each other. you insert it into the end apply hammer liberally and voila! spreads the end to be a perfect fit on another pipe the diameter of the original. i'll dig mine up and post a pic.

watson.fawkes - 2-10-2010 at 19:41

Quote: Originally posted by Rogeryermaw  
there is also a spreader tool that a/c guys use that looks like a series of progressively larger cones stacked on top of each other
I've got a Ridgid one, tool #562 for 1/4 ID tubing. Here a link to Google Products for one; photo from their site. The smallest diameter goes inside the tubing, the second one is the expanded diameter, the third one acts as a stop to keep it from getting too far down the tube. They're a standard tool for mating coolant lines to be brazed.

metalresearcher - 3-10-2010 at 02:39

Thanks for all tips ! Ialready bent a steel pipe with sand and with success.
But I am looking around where I can get SS tubes as this is better. I also need them for other (non-chemistry) purposes.
I tried another approach with the steel tube: put it into a steel container filled with sand. This enables more evenly distribution of the heat over the vessel as there is no direct contact with the gas flames.
After 10 minutes of heavy bubbling of the oil the bubbling suddenly stopped, but I did not see Na colored flames or fumes coming from the sandbox.
The result afterwards was a little bit of Na metal in the tube.
The sand stops the leaking if there is a leak.
But I won't do this experiment again untilI have SS tubes.

EDIT: And I am thinking about using the same fine sand for capturing the Na and eliminating the stinking, polluting and flammable oil.

<hr />
Here a top view of the tube vessel in the sandbox after the session.
IMG_4217.JPG - 28kB

<hr />
Here a view of the complete setup taken out of the furnace after the session.
IMG_4218.JPG - 53kB

[Edited on 2010-10-3 by metalresearcher]

bbartlog - 3-10-2010 at 06:21

I am thinking about using the same fine sand for capturing the Na

Does it really exclude air well enough to be used in this capacity? Also, depending on what's in it (carbonate contamination e.g. CaCO3, oxides of iron or copper or w/e) the sodium might react with it. And even if it's inert and doesn't let in air, you still end up with a fused brick of sodium and sand that then needs to be melted... I think you are better off trying to get the oil to work; you could try bathing the exit pipes in live steam or for that matter boiling water, which should transfer away heat faster than passive air cooling without risking solid sodium.

metalresearcher - 3-10-2010 at 09:43

Maybe molten candle wax (virtually pure paraffin) is an option as it does not react with Na.

Other way to collect Na metal

metalresearcher - 4-10-2010 at 12:50

Now I was thinking about another approach: attaching a closed metal can on top of the retort with the only opening being a narrow collar stuffed with rockwool allowing the CO to escape (and flush the oxygen out of it) while the Na vapor condenses and freezes to the inner wall of the can. At the end of the process the can can be taken off and the Na metal scraped off the walls.

Any comments ?

retort.sketch.png - 20kB

I tried an electric furnace

metalresearcher - 7-10-2010 at 12:22

Here all my pics and test results of sodium making:

Now I tried an electrical furnace (without actual reaction, just to test if it gets hot enough) see the page mentioned above under the heading 'electrical furnace'.

Picene - 8-10-2010 at 12:08

Quote: Originally posted by metalresearcher  
Here all my pics and test results of sodium making:

Now I tried an electrical furnace (without actual reaction, just to test if it gets hot enough) see the page mentioned above under the heading 'electrical furnace'.

What was your yield and purity like with this technique?

metalresearcher - 10-10-2010 at 10:36

@Picene : No yield yet I am experimenting:

And here the so manyth episode:

I got the leaking issue under control now by putting the retort in a sand filled crucible to spread the heat evenly along the retort and to reduce the oxidizing due to the sand layer. Furthermore I used a 20mm steel pile rather than 15mm. I can got no Stainless yet :-(
As the Kanthal furnace has to be rewired with thicker wire to get more power (700-1000W instead of 500W) I made a completely new small furnace heated by a low flame propane (without extra air) and keep all openings closed (except the top exhaust hole) with refractory felt. The oil did not catch fire anymore and the process ran smoothly (45 minutes) with a retort temperature (pyrometer peeked into the sandbox) of 1150oC.

But there was NO SODIUM at alll :mad:

The inside of the retort tube was clean, and when I poured water into the cooled retort no hissing appeared (and did not leak from the bottom which is a lttle good news).
During the process I saw it bubbling .
Where is the sodium gone ? In previous attempts I did get sodium.

Here a picture of the setup running:

IMG_4238.JPG - 72kB

Rogeryermaw - 10-10-2010 at 16:59

i wonder if encapsulating the retort in sand is insulating it? carbon as a reducing agent frustrated my first phosphorus attempts due to its extreme temperature requirements...gladly though you have been able to control leakage in your system. it just seems to me in my humble, uneducated opinion that instead of lowering your temp or making furnace conditions any calmer than you have been using that perhaps using rigid conduit (significantly heavier walls) and the most fierce fire you can may lead you to the promise land. not sure if they have home depot where you live but an equivalent or even electrical supply carry threaded nipples, caps, and 45-90 degree fittings that can be made airtight even if you have to weld them. at least in that circumstance the thickness of the pipe will help you avoid burn through and give your retort the necessary strength to survive the heat needed to start the reaction with carbon. this is the first retort design i used.

worked well with the aluminum reducing agent, but i haven't given it a try with carbon since the aluminum proved to work well. it was airtight and the heavy construction may benefit your application.

[Edited on 11-10-2010 by Rogeryermaw]

metalresearcher - 10-10-2010 at 23:10

@Rogeryermaw: I addressed the pipe bending issue as well by filling the one-side-squeezed tube with sand and plugging the other end with wood, so 45 op 90 degree nipples are not needed anymore and another leak risk is eliminated.

I have cleaned the oil capture cups.

Next test is a small test: three 15mm pipes

- Na2CO3 + C
- Na2CO3 + Al
- K2CO3 + C

with just small quantities (~ 1 gram) and one end (narrowed) open and heat them al three to 1100-1200oC and just to test which one is first doing to issue Na or K vapors.
The one which works best I will repeat with capture under oil with the 20mm bended tube.

Rogeryermaw - 11-10-2010 at 00:15

i am hoping strongly for your success. i know we're all watching close! good luck!

I performed a test with three reactants !

metalresearcher - 11-10-2010 at 11:37

Tonight I did a small test with three steel tubes with the following reagents as content:
Na2CO3 + Al
K2CO3 + C
Na2CO3 + C
Each tube was placed , one at a time, in a propane based furnace heated to 1200&deg;C.
As is to be seen bright yellow flames appear from the tube which represent burning sodium metal flames. The potassium is not so clear but I saw purplish flames appearing from the tube but I was just too late for reccording it with ther camera (second video). So this is a proof that in all three cases sodium (or potassium vapor does appear.
So the reaction *DOES* take place !

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

metalresearcher - 18-10-2010 at 12:46

So I am still working on this but want to capture the Na metal in a different way, no oil but an empty container stopped off with glass wool.

peach - 18-10-2010 at 21:47

You are going to need to start using cylinders of argon to do that. Relying on the blanket from the reaction when the whole exit section is roasting hot and there's vapour / molten sodium around, and jets of fire, is going to result in issues.

Even with a flow of argon, I'd be worried about it being blown out enough by a strong breeze that'd it'd start going.

metalresearcher - 19-10-2010 at 03:04

I want to keep the collector outside the furnace and out of reach of flames, etc. possibly insulated with rockwool.
Of course, Ar gas flushing is better but I don't have access to this.
The furnace is completely blanketed off so the flames escape only via the top hole as you see in the pix in earlier posts in this thread.
Earlier I tried a Kanthal furnace for the reason of no flames but that does not get hot enough.
I'll just try but this may not help.

[Edited on 2010-10-19 by metalresearcher]

peach - 19-10-2010 at 03:19

I suspect you may be on your way to a very bad accident if you try running this without the oil and without an argon cylinder.

Think about what happens when you slice through solid, room temperature sodium. The stuff coming out your exhaust will be gaseous / molten and white hot.

Any oxygen getting into the result will drive it ballistic. Perhaps quite literally.

If you can't afford or get a cylinder, you need to stick with the oil.

You may get lucky a few times, but that is not a reliable method of doing it - having the result dump out so hot and finely divided into a only partially controlled atmosphere.

If the sodium ignites, it's going to be even worse than an oil fire.

They used to do chemistry like this in the beginnings, and produced materials like phosphorus and sodium using very basic setups. But they usually sealed everything as a solid chamber, and they also had serious problems with the staff continually being set on fire or gassed to death. This was an era where loosing a few of your kids to the cotton mill was considered normal.

[Edited on 19-10-2010 by peach]

metalresearcher - 19-10-2010 at 05:05

The sodium and air make an explosive mixture you mean ?

Anyway wilh new attempts I'll stick to the oil (can I also use nonflammable vegetable oil ?) or go for electrolysis. I already made a setup but I am scared for the hot lye.....

peach - 19-10-2010 at 05:47

It's basically like magnesium ribbon, but it'll be even more prone to doing it. It goes white almost instantly when it's cut in the open atmosphere, so it's oxidizing quickly without any extra heat as a solid.

Once it's burning, that can also burn inside a block of dry ice. Water will only make it worse.

I really think these are things you should already know if you're trying to make it. This is demonstrated to 16 year olds in chemistry, so it's fairly basic stuff.

You're trying to produce an extremely reactive metal, which is not at all easy or safe, so you need to be more sure of what you can and can't use yourself. It's not going to be as easy or safe as running thermite to get iron.

One member on a forum full of chemists has managed to produce a clean, reliable result thus far, and he's a real life physicist. Lots of people want it, so that should be a warning of the difficultly involved.

Why do you want sodium so badly, do you actually need it for alloying, solvent drying or organometallics? If it's to have some for the sake of it, or drop it water, you'd be better off buying it. If it's to solve the production method, you need to know about the oxidation, heat and fire problems and be ready to buy things like argon to experiment.

It could be quite likely that your retort isn't producing much because it's oxidizing as it's coming out, that the atmosphere isn't inert enough. Another reason for the argon, to test it actually works with that prior to relying on the self produced reducing atmosphere.

Try opening a lithium battery and watch how fast the metal oxidizes, the strips goes black within about 30 seconds. And sodium is further down the table.

Lithium can be used for a number of the things sodium can, and does the same fizzing to nothing in water trick.

metalresearcher - 19-10-2010 at 07:24

Not for throwing it into the pond or other uses for that I can buy it you are riight.. It is just for making tiny amounts to make myself. I am interested in metals and it is a real challenge for me to produce such a reactuve alkali met. And I know the dangers.
I have experience with metak melting (copper. silver. gold. cast iron) making furnaces. etc.

peach - 19-10-2010 at 14:12

Right, but sodium is quite far away from any of those with regards to the fire problems. Gold is fairly difficult to react with anything bar aqua regia. Whereas sodium will quickly react with the air if you plop a lump of it out on the desk.

The same is true at the other end of the table. The noble gases, like argon, are next to impossible to react with anything. But the halogens and reactive acid / base gases will eat through the cylinders, and they're in the next column on the table and in very similar looking cylinders.

I'm 100% behind the effort you're putting in and not trying to call you dim, I'm just double checking you know why I might think it's a bad idea to try that at those temperatures with a setup that could end up contaminated with oxygen or moisture. It will be so easy for it to go up in flames, sputter at you or explode in a way that will be next to unstoppable. Len had problems with that even when he was running it at far lower temperatures and with a fairly high tech bit of gear - popping and sputtering.

Even the guys with degrees in chemistry at Cambridge have had problems with sodium stills setting people on fire. So much so that they'll spend tens of thousands on dedicated rooms for them now.

The guys who weld things use argon cylinders all the time, and they're only dealing with molten steel.

I'd suggest you get some if only to test the retort is functioning - for example, that you're not seeing poor results purely due to oxygen lurking around.

BOC will now rent cylinders on a monthly basis. Grab one of those suckers, try the oil again but blow the retort full of argon before warming it up, then trickle it in as it runs. If you have a neighbour who welds, see if they'll let you borrow their cylinder if you fill it back up. Some of the welding shops might let you use theirs as well given that you're trying to make a metal, provided you fill it back up. A cylinder refill is cheaper than the rental.

It really may be that simple. That you run the argon in and get some sodium out from the same design. Then you'll know... "ahhh.... the atmosphere is off" or "right, it's the temperature / mix".

There aren't too many variables at work here, so the atmosphere is a strong contender for the error given the metal and process involved.

I've sat and watched organic reactions at room temperature fail due to poor atmospheres - gradually turning brown.

[Edited on 19-10-2010 by peach]

metalresearcher - 19-10-2010 at 23:12

@peach: thanks.

I found some online shops who sell discardable Ar cylinders and pressure regulators for less than $100.
That may be a serious option not only for Na making but also for other experiments which don't like oxygen.
I think even melting copper can be done under Ar as liquid copper absorbs oxygen and makes it brittle which results in cracks when I am rolling it.

[Edited on 2010-10-20 by metalresearcher]

First attempt to electrolyze NaOH

metalresearcher - 23-10-2010 at 06:29

Finally I attempted to electrolyze NaOH . I saw sodium forming but could not collect it yet.
Here my results..

Does anybody have suggestions ?

smaerd - 23-10-2010 at 17:15

If this has been posted before I'm sorry, but if not I'd have to say this looks like the easiest way to go about it. Probably not pure but hell, it could be a jump off point. No need for big furnaces or electrolysis. Just a pot you don't want, some NaOH, Mg, a fuse, and some mineral oil.

The hole can thing doesn't seem like too great of an idea but hey what the hell.

metalresearcher - 24-10-2010 at 00:35

I already saw this vid, and tried it with Mg filings and NaOH which I put into a 2.5cm diameter and 5cm long steel tube closed and welded at one end and heated it. Just before red hot it reacted but the problem is (as you can see in this vid) how to isolate it ? With electrolysis or a Na2CO3 + C retort furnace it is easier I think.