Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Please do NOT use the Following web site

quicksilver - 4-8-2010 at 14:40

The following web site apparently is a dropper for malware and may be designed to gather information on the user's computer.

ht tp://

When finding information on silver perchlorate I received two warnings from two separate utilities; MalwareBytes & AVG anti-virus, indicating that the site is a dropper and that the site gathers not only standard incoming IP addresses but reaches deeper.
I did not have time to find out if this would prove a warning from a hard-fire walled machine at a library or school (which often gives much more info) but two form different utilities is enough for me.

Davster edit: link killed

[Edited on 5-8-10 by The_Davster]

JohnWW - 4-8-2010 at 14:49

Use that URL in sites like or, to find out their IP address and location, and who their ISP is, and then ask their ISP to shut that site down on account of breach of terms of service.

[Edited on 4-8-10 by JohnWW]

Sedit - 4-8-2010 at 18:43

Why not edit out the friggin link so people dont accidently click on it:o

quicksilver - 8-8-2010 at 09:31

Well, I wanted you guys to see the link in it's entirety. With a warning, I give credit that all are intelligent enough to see that it's a bad move to go there: similar to a "poisonous label" on a bottle.
But I probably should have just edited onto the front portion. I was impressed that something that was so unrelated to "Warez", porn, dating willing 18yr olds from your home town, or whatever would have a set-up site. I can't imagine the pay-off for doing that. Kids & crime families from Eastern Europe do that; with a hook to get large volume of hits.

[Edited on 8-8-2010 by quicksilver]

Sedit - 8-8-2010 at 13:45

I just went to the site without clicking anything because curiosity is a curse.... Anyway,

I do agree the site appears rather odd and why they would be attempting to gather information from people looking for silver perchlorate does indeed seem suspect.

I keep trying various whois lookups but I keep getting invalid domain name. Is it a dot com, dot org or what?

quicksilver - 9-8-2010 at 06:38

You got me; I haven't seen anything quite like it: fairly strange mystery. The issue came about from a simple search for the perchlorate synthesis & there it was in the top 3-5 1st page of a Google search. I didn't give it any mind until a resident program shot a warning. I thought that (at first) it was a simple "find any dual log-ins" as the site wanted to eliminate kewls or whatever. I tried another sypware utility and got another warning about the depth of the activities..
The simple fact that you are being stonewalled or rather that they are not being upfront about who they are made me all the more uptight; there are too many unanswered questions to begin with.

A long time back, one would create a web-page with interjected "meta-names" to make sure that Google or yahoo put your page at the top of the heap when a search was made. If you knew that, you put many "meta-names" within the HTML code so you could come up in the beginning of the search. Google & the others soon caught on and then began charging for the "privilege" to be"1st in line". Therefore, that page had to go to some effort to maintain anonymity and come up on the 1st Google search page returns.

psychokinetic - 9-8-2010 at 13:02

Quote: Originally posted by Sedit  
Why not edit out the friggin link so people dont accidently click on it:o

Oh no, now that he's disabled it I don't know where I can't go!


anotheronebitesthedust - 11-8-2010 at 04:09

This statement may be dense but it seems like they're using shortened media URL.