Sciencemadness Discussion Board

RTI-55 from tropinone

deepthroat - 3-8-2010 at 04:15

Oh hi =)

I'm new here :D
My english isn't the best ever so, i'll make it quick.

What do you think about :

Tropinone ==> methylated with methyl iodine
==> Add the ester group with Anhydride acetic
==> reduced + iodoaniline group.

Start from carbomethoxy-tropinone is a pain in the ass, why not add with methyltropinone + A.A or propionic chloride ?


[Edited on 3-8-2010 by deepthroat]

[Edited on 3-8-2010 by deepthroat]

deepthroat - 3-8-2010 at 05:17

Based on WF23, carobomethoxy group isn't needed.

Here, there is only a propanoyl group.

turd - 3-8-2010 at 05:53

Are you French by any chance?
It's called acetic anhydride and methyl iodide.

Anyway, I see no reason why the proposed reaction sequence would give anything resembling your target molecule. Much less the correct isomer! Why would you think it does? If you propose a reaction you have to provide literature examples of analogue reactions. And of course give all expected intermediate compounds.

Last but not least: As you will soon notice this is clearly material for the "Beginners" sub-forum.

deepthroat - 3-8-2010 at 05:59

I don't think it'll give the *target* molecule.

I just asked if acetic anhydride will add the propanoyl group on the tropinone instead of making 2-CarbomethoxyTropinone.

Nicodem - 3-8-2010 at 07:11

Does not make any sense to me. I doubt it is just your English or your lack of using it. Perhaps you should draw a reaction scheme so that one could understand what you talk about. From the few scattered words in your posts it is impossible to figure out what the problem to be discussed is.

PS: Please open referenceless threads only in the Beginnings section!