I know precisely how much it sucks. When stupidly distilling sulphuric battery acid using only wash heads and no true condenser, I managed to have the
steaming hot water suck back into the 380C concentrated acid. It went ape shit, to say the least. I had purposefully thought before hand, I should
probably leave a keck clip off here. Luckily I did, as the lid simply blew off and shot vapour out. If I hadn't, it may have exploded instead. I was
sat beside it. Balls naked. I took the hint.
I read a post by some guy who was using a recirculating aspirator. He'd found the motor would heat the water fairly quickly if it was a submersible,
so recommended filling it with fizzy drinks bottles full of ice; or use an external pump. Another problem was bubbles from the aspirator or return
hose splashing getting sucked back into the pump and going back through, which caused the vacuum to bump. He solved that by having the pump over the
other side of the tank I think, and a I seem to remember him suggesting putting a little plastic shield in the way to deflect any remaining bubbles
away from the pump intake.
[Edited on 26-7-2010 by peach] |