Another interesting option is to make Mohr's salt (ferrous ammonium sulfate) from the impure ferrous sulfate. Ferrous ammonium sulfate more easily
forms good crystals and this compound also keeps much better. It is not easily oxidized to basic ferric sulfate like normal ferrous sulfate.
Making Mohr's salt can be done by dissolving the impure ferrous sulfate in a slightly acidic solution (a few drops of sulphuric acid added to keep it
somewhat acidic) and filtering this such that a clear solution is obtained. To this, a calculated amount (slight excess) of solution of ammonium
sulfate is added and then the liquid is allowed to crystallize slowly (e.g. put it in a dry warm place, free of dust). You will obtain pale mint-green
crystals of (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O. |