Catalytic hydrogenation or reaction with something like LiAlH4 would reduce both -OHs to Hs; while dehydration would in both cases form alkene double
bonds, offering no differentiation. But oxidation with (di)chromate or permanganate, under certain conditions, would oxidize the primary alcohol -OH
to a carboxylic acid and the secondary alcohol to a ketone, which differentiation should provide some sort of means of subsequently reducing the
ketone; although there is possibly some danger that the primary amine group could also be oxidized.
The carboxylic acid group could be esterified with glacial acetic acid plus a small amount of H2SO4, or with acetic anhydride, to reduce its
reactivity. The problem would then become one of how to reduce the ketone group to Hs while leaving the ester untouched. However, esters also undergo
catalytic reductive hydrogenation and with LiAlH4, as do ketones, so some other more selective method would have to be found. |