Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Rust stain remover H3PO4

madscientist - 6-8-2002 at 11:10

Does anyone know the concentration of the "rust stain remover" type H3PO4 that is found at hardware stores?

madscientist - 6-8-2002 at 21:40

My H3PO4 is a thick, syrupy liquid. According to my references, H3PO4 that is a thick, syrupy liquid is at about 85% concentration.

vulture - 20-8-2002 at 08:56

The maximum I've seen is 30%.
85% H3PO4 is extremely hygroscopic, see if it will dry NH4NO3.

Since I have 2L of the 85% stuff I might very well build a dessicator one day.

Just a thought...

Ramiel - 5-9-2002 at 01:02

I know concentrated Phosphoric acid of a known molarity can be obtained from food suppliers.

a_bab - 16-9-2002 at 06:32

Yeah, it is used in our daily coke as acidifiant; the trucks used to transport concentrated coke syrup are labeled as "corrosive" ! And a nail will be VERY coroded if kept for 3 days in coke.

Ramiel - 17-9-2002 at 00:52

I heard that it dissolves a T-Bone steak overnight.... although that's what the dentists tell you.

E Beer - 14-9-2015 at 21:42

How do you turn phosphorus acid crystals into a liquid similar to 50% hypo phosphorous acid?

ave369 - 16-9-2015 at 10:13

I dunno what hypophosphorous acid looks like, never seen a specimen. But to turn solid phosphoric acid into a liquid, just add water.