The preparation of aryl formates is anything but trivial.
Also, the Fries rearrangements of aryl formates is even less trivial since under most classical conditions used for this reaction the formate aryl
esters fragmentate with the loss of CO. It only works on aryl formates not containing any electron withdrawing groups, preferably containing
methoxies, methyls, condensed benzene rings, and other activating groups. The literature examples are sparse, the most thorough study being in
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, B: Chemical Sciences, 56 (2001) 1178-1187 using BCl3 in ClCH2CH2Cl.
5-Cyanosalicylaldehyde has been made via the modified Duff formylation in 41% yield: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 31 (1983)
1751-1753. The Ullmann reaction with CuCN in NMP on 5-bromosalicylaldehyde is poor yielding anyway, it only gave 17% yield (Liebigs Annalen der
Chemie (1982) 1836-1869).
PS: Huanrenze, when you open a thread without providing a single reference, please do so in the Beginnings section where this is tolerated, or else I
will move it there anyway. Members here are not mind readers and the least you could have done was to refer to the procedure in Acta Chemica
Scandinavica, 53 (1999) 258-262 that you seem to have been following. |