JJ - 29-11-2003 at 10:22
Do any of you guys think it would be possible to extract nitrocelluloce or
nitroglycerin from smokless powder?
I know that nitrocelluloce will disolve in
acetone,what about nitroglycerin?
Some powders use NC and some use a combination of NC and NG,I'm going to try
to extract NC today and I'll let you know what happens.
Any help would be great!
Haggis - 29-11-2003 at 10:28
Both nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine are soluble in acetone.
Nevermore - 29-11-2003 at 10:42
smokeless powder IS nitrocellulose + some times nitroglicerin.
there are more stuffs like colours flegmatizant, plastificants and so on..
but basically it IS mainly NC
froot - 29-11-2003 at 13:09
Why do you need to separate them?
just curious.
JJ - 29-11-2003 at 15:20
seperate nitro from powder or seperate the nitro's?What did you want to know?
If both will disolve in acetone how can I isolate one or both? Any ideas?
Mumbles - 29-11-2003 at 16:58
NC is smokeless powder. NC with NG is double based smokeless powder. There are burn rate mods and stuff in there too. Theres something else they ad
for triple base.
What about dissolving the whole thing in Acetone, and filtering out what isn't soluble. Then crashing the whole thing with water. Followed by
filtration. Wash with water, and maybe a little acetone to help get rid of the NG. You should have the NC in the filter paper, and the NG in the
bottom of the recieving beaker. Is there anything blaringly obviously wrong with this? I see no reason for it not to work. I personally
wouldn't be going about extracting NG though.
Your method
JDP - 29-11-2003 at 21:51
that method is good, though I have never had a DBSP that had a solod left in the laquer formed by desolveing it in acetone, there is a slight glitter
to it but what I do is desolve it in the acetone and leave the laquer for about a weak thus all the contaminants fall to the bottom.
EDIT: If your looking for pure NC or pure NG they can be synthisysed with a mix of HNO3 and H2SO4. Click here for NC, and here for NG(scroll down).
[Edited on 30-11-2003 by JDP]
JJ - 30-11-2003 at 14:38
Did you have any luck isolating either nitro?What powder(s) did you use? I'm using accurate 2015. Should I heat my acetone?The powder swelled up
and is kind of slimey but the acetone is turning a dark green color and now I'm geting little bubbles surfacing. I dont know,looks like wait and
Sory JDP it wont let me change it!
[Edited on 30-11-2003 by JJ]
[Edited on 30-11-2003 by JJ]
p.s I found a SP that has 21% NG!
It's accurate nitro 100.
accurate xmp-5744 has 20%!
[Edited on 30-11-2003 by JJ]
JDP - 30-11-2003 at 22:22
I used Hodgdon "Clays" Shotgun-Hand gun powder. No, I was never sucessful in isolating the NG out of it, unfortuanitly.
JJ - 30-11-2003 at 22:52
I'm not sure what is going on, when I crashed my solution in H20 I got a light grey string like substance. Any ideas?
JDP - 1-12-2003 at 01:03
Do you mean a whole bunch of light gray strings, or one big one?
JJ - 1-12-2003 at 08:08
I got a bunch of ight gray strings,but its still a little wet and its also easy to crumble and clumpy.
JJ - 3-12-2003 at 13:53
Well, its all good!
Tha NC burns fast when completly dry.
I got alot of NC from just a little powder!
Very cheap NC laquer also.