Sciencemadness Discussion Board

free usenet servers

chemrox - 26-11-2008 at 16:36

My internet vendor quit supplying usenet access and I'm looking for a usenet that will give two-way access to sci.chem and I found one that was listed as two-way but would not let me post. Do folks still use the newsgroups? I would think so; the two above were active last year.

undead_alchemist - 29-11-2008 at 19:06

Yes, some of still use them.

But it is true, many ISPs are dropping them.

woelen - 30-11-2008 at 05:57

You can access them through I have been active on Usenet:sci.chem for quite some time through, but I left because of the excessive spamming and lack of interesting content.