Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Artcraft Chemicals

smuv - 7-10-2008 at 09:20

Has anyone done business with artcraft in the past?

I placed an order over the weekend, and have yet to receive any order confirmation. I called twice and no one picked up. I am sure this is a legit company, but am little put off by the lack of communication.

Anyone with similar experiences?

And yes I am antsy, because this weekend I will finally be in the same state as my lab and I need some ammonium thiocyanate to synthesize some thioureas.

woelen - 7-10-2008 at 09:41

I have done business with this company multiple times and have good experience with it. I have RuCl3, IrCl4 and a bunch of more common chems from this company. Sometimes, indeed the communication is somewhat slow, but patience will reward you. This IS a legit company, which already is online for more than 10 years!

chemkid - 7-10-2008 at 11:34

Sweet site! Some of the prices for common chems seem high, but where else will one get ruthenium chloride!?

smuv - 7-10-2008 at 11:43

Thanks for the reply woelen. I never questioned the legitimacy of the company I am just frusturated that I have received no order confirmation; I am at ease knowing that you also experienced slow communication.

@chemkid other photography sites carry precious metals, although artcraft has one of the widest selections of any I know. The prices at artcraft are competitive with most photo suppliers I have looked at, save digitaltruth (which lacks some interesting chemicals that other suppliers carry but has excellent prices).

not_important - 7-10-2008 at 16:14

Artcraft is a pretty small outfit, and has a long record of being slow to respond at times but they do deliver the order.

Duke - 8-10-2008 at 15:33

I got to agree that Artcraft is slow. I live about 10 miles down the road from there and it took about 2 weeks to get a pound of pottassium dichromate (which for some reason he didn't have listed). I'm pretty sure the reason is though, that the chems aren't stored in one place but scattered throughout Altamont. I actually talked to the guy that runs it on the phone and he told me about how he runs it. Nice guy too.

smuv - 8-10-2008 at 16:56

Thanks duke and not_important; I appreciate your replies.

Looks like I need to search for a new experiment to conduct over Columbus day weekend:(

smuv - 10-10-2008 at 08:52

So I received my order yesterday, Artcraft promptly sent the package without sending any order confirmation. I'm happy!

So essentially a good vendor with bad communication, could be worse.