Anhyd. sulfanilic acid (173 g.) dissolved with the aid of 69 g. K2CO3 is treated at 50 with 112 g. Ac2O at such a rate that the temp. is kept at
65-70; on standing in the cold for several hrs. the soln. deposits 230 g. K acetylsulfanilate (the mother liquors yield another 22 g. on concn.). The
salt (506 g.) is slowly added to 1500 g. H2SO4 (66 B.acte.e.) and treated dropwise at 5 with 150 g. of 85% HNO3 and 150 g. H2SO4 (66 B.acte.e.),
stirred 3-4 hrs., allowed to stand overnight, poured in a thin stream upon 7 kg. ice, treated with 138 g. K2CO3, neutralized with marble, boiled,
filtered hot, concd. over a free flame and treated with KCl, giving 550 g. 2,4-O2N(AcNH)C6H8SO8K, 299 g. of which, refluxed 1 hr. in 1500 cc. of 67%
H2SO4, and poured into ice H2O yields 110 g. o-O2NC8H4NH2. |