Sciencemadness Discussion Board


PyroRA - 4-7-2008 at 01:32

First off I just wanna say I have made myself out as a Kewl and an immature prick. That being said I will try not to be such a dick, also I have blurred my actual knowledge of chemistry. so basically I am no genius but I fully understand the very basics. Atomic science is something I would say I am adequately versed in, Matter, Energy, Physics, and Quantum mechanics I am pretty good with. And the other branches and inbetweens of chemistry, I am familiar with, not much more. Now that thats out of my way I will cut to the chase.

Me and my brother are making rockets. good so far, here's what we have been using as fuel

65/35 kno3/s with equal parts Pyrodex by weight

What is the flash point of Pyrodex?
Can I add the Pyrodex to the MOLTEN RCANDY?
or will it blow up in my face?

Also I know this is not the best forum to post stuff like this in, in fact this will be my last post even pertaining to pyrotechnics or rocketry. After this it is just chemistry.

Also, in chemistry specifically (in synthesis and reactions) What can I use Ammonium nitrate For?

[Edited on 4-7-2008 by PyroRA]

EDIT: Also I want to make it with red iron oxide. All the instructions I hear about talk about breaking down salt and electrolyzing H2O and it releases chlorine and hydrogen chloride, WTF? Is that all BS? If not, can you provide me with a safe method of getting Red iron oxide

[Edited on 4-7-2008 by PyroRA]

12AX7 - 4-7-2008 at 05:12

KNO3/S isn't RCANDY. ???

Pyrodex, is that nicrocellulose or black powder, I forget. Probably not a good idea at any rate.

Ammonium nitrate can be used for cooling (by dissolution or by making a slush with ice), as a soluble source of ammonium or nitrate ions, as a mildly acidic fusion (2 NH4NO3(l) + CaCO3(s) = 2 NH3(g) + H2O(g) + CO2(g) + Ca(NO3)2(s)), as a source of N2O, etc.


DJF90 - 4-7-2008 at 05:40

Pyrodex is a black powder substitute, essentially KNO3/S/C but with added KClO3 and graphite and other "secret" ingredients.

Zinc - 4-7-2008 at 05:41

Did you mean KClO4 instead of KClO3?

I doubt they would put KClO3 and sulfur together in a commercial mixture.

PyroRA - 4-7-2008 at 14:56

OK but yeah its basically rcandy/pyrdodex 50/50, but I wanna know if i can make the rcandy molten, add the pyrodex and shape and let dry, will the pyrodex ignite if i put it in molten rcandy

chemoleo - 4-7-2008 at 17:10

Also I know this is not the best forum to post stuff like this in

Quite so, if you look around you see why. Please post in APC and similar. There are many forums for this purpose.