vmelkon - 18-11-2018 at 09:45
I was trying to distill some impure H2SO4 and this requires high temperature, even when I reduced the pressure to 13 cm mercury.
It was a 2 neck flask.
I had placed a solid glass stopper in one of the necks. I guess it expanded and cracked the neck 
My glassware is broken and my heart is broken 
Ubya - 18-11-2018 at 09:50
i would be scared more of the hot boiling sulphuric acid spilling than sad for the lost of a flask
nimgoldman - 18-11-2018 at 11:55
I feel for you.
I have melted one 3-neck flask when drying molecular sieves under vacuum using a heating mantle.
After several pieces of broken glassware, I think about purchasing the cheaper kinds (flasks, beaker) in quantity as they have limited life expectancy
in every lab.
VSEPR_VOID - 18-11-2018 at 16:08
Press F to pay respects to the flask
Dragonjack12 - 3-12-2018 at 12:06
unionised - 3-12-2018 at 12:30
morganbw - 3-12-2018 at 12:46
I basically love my glassware but life has chosen to show me that it can be broken. Start some lab work that requires this/a certain piece and the
damn thing is sure to break. I just figured it was me and my karma.